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The truck is full?

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I was collecting weapons at the end of a mission and driving a captured ammo truck around to groups of dead soldiers and taking their equipment. About halfway through the process, I noticed that when I successfully PUT a weapon in the truck, a group of 4 bags appeared at the rear of the truck on the ground (1 weapon and 3 clips - I assume). I was allowed to put a rifle in but not grenades. The only option that I had for grenades was DROP. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it possible to fill up a truck or ammo box or is this a bug?

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I just finished First Strike and got hit by the "deletes your entire weapon cache" bug so I wasted all of that time collecting weapons anyway.  Pretty frustrating.  I tried to restore my saved weapons.cfg file but it didn't make a difference.

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Yep. Got the same: full trucks... In any case, I did not find that you recover the weapons you stored in Captured ammo trucks anyway...


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