eagledude4 3 Posted May 31, 2014 ATM.hpp class atmmenu { idd = -1; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = {DLG_BACK, background}; objects[] = { }; controls[] = {deposit, withdraw, cancel, dummybutton}; class DLG_BACK: RscBackground { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.19; }; class background : RscBgRahmen { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.19; text = "Choose an Option"; }; class deposit : RscButton { idc = 11; x = 0.41; y = 0.28; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "Deposit"; action = "closedialog 0; createDialog ""atmmenu_deposit"""; }; class withdraw : RscButton { idc = 12; x = 0.41; y = 0.33; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "Withdraw"; action = "closedialog 0; createDialog ""atmmenu_withdraw"""; }; class cancel : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.38; w = 0.20; h = 0.04; text = "Cancel"; action = "closedialog 0"; }; class dummybutton : RscDummy {idc = 1006;}; }; class atmmenu_deposit { idd = -1; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = {DLG_BACK, background}; objects[] = { }; controls[] = {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, cancel, dummybutton}; class DLG_BACK: RscBackground { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; }; class background : RscBgRahmen { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; text = "Choose an Amount"; }; class 5 : RscButton { idc = 11; x = 0.41; y = 0.28; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$5"; action = "[""Deposit"", 5] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 10 : RscButton { idc = 12; x = 0.41; y = 0.33; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$10"; action = "[""Deposit"", 10] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 20 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.38; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$20"; action = "[""Deposit"", 20] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 50 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.43; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$50"; action = "[""Deposit"", 50] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 100 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.48; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$100"; action = "[""Deposit"", 100] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 200 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.53; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$200"; action = "[""Deposit"", 200] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class cancel : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.58; w = 0.20; h = 0.04; text = "Cancel"; action = "closedialog 0"; }; class dummybutton : RscDummy {idc = 1006;}; }; class atmmenu_withdraw { idd = -1; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = {DLG_BACK, background}; objects[] = { }; controls[] = {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, cancel, dummybutton}; class DLG_BACK: RscBackground { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; }; class background : RscBgRahmen { x = 0.40; y = 0.25; w = 0.22; h = 0.39; text = "Choose an Amount"; }; class 5 : RscButton { idc = 11; x = 0.41; y = 0.28; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$5"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 5] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 10 : RscButton { idc = 12; x = 0.41; y = 0.33; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$10"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 10] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 20 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.38; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$20"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 20] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 50 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.43; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$50"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 50] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 100 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.48; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$100"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 100] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class 200 : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.53; w = 0.20; h = 0.03; text = "$200"; action = "[""Withdraw"", 200] call ED4_fnc_ATM; closedialog 0"; }; class cancel : RscButton { x = 0.41; y = 0.58; w = 0.20; h = 0.04; text = "Cancel"; action = "closedialog 0"; }; class dummybutton : RscDummy {idc = 1006;}; }; none of the buttons that call ED4_fnc_ATM seem to actually call the function, but they do close the dialog. fn_ATM: //By Eagledude4 _type = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; systemChat "TEST"; switch _type do { case "Deposit": { if (("money" call INV_getItemAmount) < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; Bankbalance = Bankbalance + _amount; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Deposited", _amount]; case "Withdraw": { if (Bankbalance < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; ['money', _amount] call INV_AddInvItem; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Withdrawn", _amount]; }; }; The systemChat "TEST" doesn't execute, and there are no errors in my rpt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terox 316 Posted June 2, 2014 (edited) Missing "}" use this _type = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; systemChat "TEST"; switch (ToUpper _type) do { case "DEPOSIT": { if (("money" call INV_getItemAmount) < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; Bankbalance = Bankbalance + _amount; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Deposited", _amount]; }; case "WITHDRAW": { if (Bankbalance < _amount) exitwith { systemChat "Insufficient Funds"; }; ['money', _amount] call INV_AddInvItem; systemChat format ["$%1 Sucessfully Withdrawn", _amount]; }; Default {Systemchat format ["ERROR: %1 << Scriptname here >> not seen as an option",_type]}; }; Edited June 2, 2014 by Terox Share this post Link to post Share on other sites