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Having the Player Character spawning as an animal

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Hello guys.

If you were not already aware, in the ArmA 3 editor, under ambient life the only option is a rabbit, which means it is the only playable animal.

This is opposed to ArmA 2 where you had all the animals as a playable option because they were actual units in the editor.

So what I asking is if there is some way to make the player be an animal unit, hopefully without having them have another "physical form" (ie: a human player) and then remote controlling, the reason I do not want this is because obviously it does not help FPS and a human "bot" sitting there for this ability would be annoying.

I am still open to this option and all options, as I really have some good ideas, (Cue taliban dog scouts) for this. :)

Thank you.


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You can place some normal units down in the editor, check the animal class names you want from here (or the config editor), and then open up mission.sqm with a text editor and manually switch the unit class names.

Afterwards you can't open the unit's properties in the mission editor, though, because that resets the class back to one that's available regularly. Also some of the animals are absolutely horrible to control.

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