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Mission 5 woes

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Ok, I know I whined about mission 4, but i ended up playing as the gunner in the t80 and kicked ass (Damn AI cant shoot for crap)

Mission 5 is a whole 'nother ball game though. Where is the best spot to ambush the tank column, and what tactics are best? So far I have tried the low ground near the farmhouse, the high ground near the church, and the farmhouses near the fork in the road. All generally end up with all of my tanks destroyed and my eventual death.

Ive tried this mission about 15 times and each time the soviets have about 4 tanks left, even after I launch about 5 RPGs and take out a few.

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simple and easy...

i order my teammates to disembark, then i place myself in all the tank *some tank are unused because they took commander place*, u ve got enough time and more to put all the mine from the ammo crate.

Then i order them to stop, and i take all the mine i can, after i mine the road and lay my minefield in a line across the road *i guess i can figure the size of a tank (multiply it by two it give u how to set the mine)?*.

Note i put my minefield so the russian cant see my tank platoon when they are on it *so that i know when to order my teammates to advance and pull out the remaining ruskie*.And fire at the T80 (they got a hard armor)and BMP2 (they got the devastating AT6 missile).

After u take out the tank i suggest u to watch the town, because the russian trooper will try to invade it *i guess u know the HEAT with zoom answer? yah?*

personnal record: i finished the mission with my T80 very red *normal i served as target for the russian becse i was the most  armored*,  two T72*both cannot fire*, two T55, one BMP *cannot move thought*.This mission is hard but i found the hardest mission in keeping a camp and resist tank/infantery attack (with only infantry), and after that... surprise u ll see hehe smile.gif

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I ordered 2 and 3 to withdraw behind the city (but within firing range so they can shoot the enemy), put my squad into BMP and ordered it to hide behind the forest.

Then I put all mines we had, placing them in the same area where the ammo crate is (there is no time to go anywhere else). Also put satchel charges (but alas, I later blown them up too early and no enemy was hit).

Now I just hided near the sea and waited for the enemy. Mines and our tanks did their job perfectly.

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yep, i once go into the plain and get owned.

there's a motto in french paratrooper:

"the orders are to obey, but disobey if u win" smile.gif

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Very interesting ideas. smile.gif

After losing all my tanks on a number of different tactics, I tried a different variation on a theme. Firstly, I sent all my tanks to the far side of the hill to the NW. After mining the road, you'll need to think where tanks in a wedge formation will go after the lead tank flies 30foot into the air, then plant mines in suitable places just off the track.

I then grabbed some satchel bombs and jumped into my BMP and drove down to the signposts just before the town and lay the bombs in a wide-ish arc (I did this twice).

I then grabbed some RPGs and ordered my companion to board my BMP and we hared for the town. After disembarkation, he went to ground near the back of the town and I climbed a roof.

From here I was able to watch the approach road and was gratified to see 4 of the lead vehicles go BANG! After pausing to regroup, the rest of the tanks drove cautiously towards town, and at the approriate point I exploded the satchels, sending another 2 skywards and wounding a third.

From my eyrie, I managed to pop off one RPG at the wounded tank, killing it. I then snuck down the ladder to a lower storey apartment from which I could snipe at men and machines from the various windows.

Naturally after a while I was extremely short of ammo, so I essayed forth, taking out a few wounde tank men as I did, and recovered an AK74 and some RPGs.

Then I crawled around the town picking off tanks and soldiers.

I completed the mission with only the loss of my poor hidden companion, poor soul. No tanks (of mine) were harmed in the process.

Which was nice. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (OUberLord @ July 16 2002,03:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So you guys didnt go into the plains at all then?<span id='postcolor'>

Whoa whoa... I DIDNT KNOW THERE WAS ANOTHER WAY!!! wow.gif

Jesus Christ, I lost SO many tanks, but eventually just fought it out in the plains, then ran back to the town and got the men. Strangely, there were two T-80's guarding a base south of the enemy as well...

I didnt use mines or anything, just tank vs. tank combat all the way... the horror... the horror...

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yeah the scream's of my wounded and dying where terrible!.

I think the easiest way was the "withdraw to town" method, but mind you when I say easy I mean that there's a good chance at least you yourself might survive!.

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eh? I didnt do anything just order everyone to stop and watch the dir they come from put ur spares into the gunner pos of any empty tanks (you may want to bail out drivers and commanders anyway to reduce losses) then lay mines down the road on the crest and then further about 30m apart each. Then take ur launcher and wait. Easy as pie

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Yea i fought it out on the plains and won, never used any mines, i fought it out and never lost a tank althought it took me like 3 goes.

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One tactic I'm trying at the moment (haven't gotten thru the mission yet due to time) is to lay 3-5 mines on the main approach, take the BMP (with its six lovely AT missiles) and park in a "hull down" position with good defilade near the church and plains. So far the mines have succeeded in making the unfortunate tanks who hit them into a funnel through which I caught at least 5 tanks with the missiles, and when you factor in flank and ass shots on the other tanks with the BMPs cannon, it can get truly ugly. But if the mines and the missiles do their job, you could be looking at 9 to 14 tanks out of action with little muss or fuss to the NPC members of your group.

Not sure if that will be enough to carry it through, but I have learned the painful way that if you let those oncoming tanks concentrate their fire against your irregulars, it will get ugly quite quick.

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This one is just killing me. I set the mines and 5 AVs went sky high. I had my 2 tank groups on each side of the hill on the other side of town and my BMP on the other side of the forest.

After that the next group drove right over my satchels which I blew sky high, so 4 more gone. Now everyone sees me, lying prone 200m off in the forest b/c I trip the satchels mad.gif That's not cool that the ai can detect me after satchels go off. Well since they see me I tear off to my BMP thinking I should be able to use it's missiles, but it gets shot before I get there. Now I order my men out of hiding, thinking that this should be a fair fight, but no, they are slaughtered.

Damn this is pissing me off. Next I'm going to try to hide my troops and have them come up the rear and see if that works.


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First, I ordered all my men to hide behind the forest to the East of town. I got all of the mines I can, and put them on and around the road where it passes the empty BMP and T-55. Then I went up the road toward the town and put the satchels about 100-200m north of the mines. After that I got all of the RPG's I could carry, and hid the BMP at the port. Then I got on top of the tallest building in town. The mines took a bunch of tanks, and the satchels took two more. Then I ordered one group to head directly south into town, I told the other group to head south, down the road that runs between the two forests. I told them to flank the enemy. As my men were engaging the enemy, I used up all my RPG's and then started sniping. After that, I went down to the BMP and used that to finish off the remaining infantry.

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Didn't all the tanks know where you were once you blew the satchels? That's what happened to me. I was actually 150 behind my satchel line and everyone turned and started firing at me sad.gif

This is acidemic right now, I've lost all my supplies trying this mission over, so I'm waiting for a campaign save editor/patch before I try this again.


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On a different note though how do any of you have the time to plant all the things u say? I barely have time to plant mines let alone satchels and finding a good hiding place.

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Hmm, i succeeded in an entirely Armored frontal assault, without any casualties. From the start, i instantly ordered my men into line formation, and moved flank speed to this churchon the central east side of the plains area. aove the church is a HUGE cliff, on top of the cliff is where I positioned my forces. once the OPFOR moved to contact, i rushed down the cliff with my tanks, holding formation, the enemy didnt have time to target us cuz we were moving so fast, i then ordered the targeting of the lead tanks. This formed a raod block in which they bogged down. I then ordered my men to flank left while i held the front. what happened is that the enemy couldnt get thru the burnt out tanks, while my tanks wheeled around left, flanked em, and massacred them. it hought this mission was really easy.

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