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Hiroto Takahiro

Building config issuse

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I am trying to configure a simple test building into Arma 3 and i am having issues with syntax in the config file.

class CfgPatches {

class house_test {
	units[] = {""};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.100000;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicleClasses {

class house_test {
	displayName = "Test Houses";

class CfgVehicles {
/*extern*/ class House;

class Land_test_house: House {
	scope = 2;
	model = "House_test\house_test.p3d";
	mapsize = 7.5;
	displayName = "House";
	vehicleClass = "house_test";
	accuracy = 0.200000;
	cost = 10;
	armor = 5000;

	class AnimationSources {

		class Door {
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 2;
			initPhase = 0;

	class UserActions {

		class OpenDoor {
			displayName = "Open Door";
			position = "door_knopf";
			radius = 2;
			onlyforplayer = 1;
			condition = "this animationPhase "Door" < 0.5";
			statement = "this animate ["Door", 1]";

		class CloseDoor {
			displayName = "Close Door";
			position = "door_knopf";
			radius = 2;
			onlyforplayer = 1;
			condition = "this animationPhase "Door" >= 0.5";
			statement = "this animate ["Door", 0]";

And this is the error i am getting when trying to make it a .bin file

File C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@House_test\addons\Hou
se_test\config.cpp, line 46: '/CfgVehicles/Land_test_house/UserActions/OpenDoor.
Door': '"' encountered instead of '='
Config : some input after EndOfFile.
Error reading binary file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\
W:\c\Arma3_02\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(891) : Class destroyed, but still locked
Press any key to continue . . .

As you can see on line 46 i have a issues with the syntax i am not sure what the correct way going about this is


Edited by KFord

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Hi KFord,

If I'm not mistaken, the problem lies in this line:

condition = "this animationPhase "Door" < 0.5";

Try replacing it with this because the double quotes inside a string need to be 'escaped' in order to work:

condition = "this animationPhase ""Door"" < 0.5";

- Edit


statement = "this animate ["Door", 0]";

needs to become:

statement = "this animate [""Door"", 0]";

You need to do that for both the OpenDoor and CloseDoor classes.

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yeah thanks it seems to work now!

But if i goto open the open in game the open door and close door both appear and if i open it the close door dose not show anymore any ideas about that thanks.

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I'm afraid I can't help you out with that unless you accidently copied over the 'condition' from OpenDoor to CloseDoor, that would cause the Close Door action to vanish after opening the door. But I don't have any experience with setting up buildings, the problem with the quotes was just a syntax error for the engine.

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It can depend on if your door is actually closed or open in the model itself.

Sometimes you may need to switch the >, <= around and the 0 and 1

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Sup m8's i have a little trouble here and i need ur help.
I decided to implement the ability 2 open and close da door (lock unlock), but not 2 BIS houses, this feature is implemented using with variable "bis_disabled_Door_1, but unfortunately, this variable work apparently only with BIS houses.
K i decided 2 do differently in the cfg file, do check on UserAction, that if the house is closed, do not show UserAction "Scroll menu".
class open_door_1 { 
displayName = "Open Door"; 
position = "Interact1"; 
radius = 1; 
onlyForplayer = "true"; 
condition = "((this animationPhase 'Door_1') < 0.5) && (this getVariable 'tc_house_unlock')"; 
statement = "this animate ["Door_1", 1]"; 
this getVariable 'tc_house_unlock'
K, u see this now, but unfortunately the cfg generates an error when i add the second condition, a possible reason that "this" here is the door, not the house.
Guys i ask ur help, why this error is appears and there are options whether to remove she?
P.s - sorry 4 my bad eng.

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