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Adding 'far away' unit deletion to Escape Chernarus

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Hi guys,

Thanks for looking

I've edited (for private lan use) Engima's Escape Chernarus significantly. All credit to the team that built it.

A major issue is the build up of units/groups on map outside the operational area ie. the party may 'escape' one region of the map and leave a large force of ~100+ AI km's away that practically are not going to re-engage the party. The loss of server perf is noticeable over time.

Is there an easy way to add to the following script a 'far away' check that will delete the unit/group if it exceeds say x/km? Engima uses a 'far away' script for ambient units/vehicles/groups but not for the actual search groups as far as I can tell.

Here is the searchgroup SQF:

/* SearchGroup.sqf

* Summary: Makes a group of infantry units to search an area and engage detected enemies. The infantry group will move at "normal" speed to a search area (marker)

* and then patrol that area until enemies are detected. If the search area marker moves to another place, they will again move at "normal" speed to the new area.

* Arguments:

* _group: Group of infantry units that will perform the search.

* _searchAreaMarker: Name of marker to search.

* [_firstPos]: The first position (preferrably inside the area) to move to. A random position is chosen if this argument is left empty. Default value is [0, 0, 0].

* [_debug]: true if debugmessages and areas will be shown for player. Default false.

* Dependencies: CommonLib v1.01


if (!isServer) exitWith {};

private ["_searchAreaMarkerName", "_firstPos", "_debug"];

private ["_position", "_side", "_state", "_moveCompleted", "_group", "_moveToFirstPos", "_exitScript", "_soldiers", "_garbageGroup", "_enemyPos", "_firstUnit", "_enemyUnit"];

private ["_subAreaSearchTimeSec", "_subAreaSize", "_defaultSearchAreaMarkerName", "_subAreaCreatedTime", "_stationaryMaxTimeSec", "_currentPos", "_lastPos", "_lastMoveTime"];

private ["_subSearchAreaMarker", "_currentEntityNo", "_subSearchAreaMarkerName"];

private ["_debugGroupMarkerName", "_debugDestinationMarkerName", "_debugSubAreaMarkerName"];

_group = _this select 0;

_searchAreaMarkerName = _this select 1;

if (count _this > 2) then {_firstPos = _this select 2;} else {_firstPos = [0, 0, 0];};

if (count _this > 3) then {_debug = _this select 3;} else {_debug = false;};

_subAreaSearchTimeSec = 120; // How long time the search group will search the area where enemy was last seen

_subAreaSize = 100; // Size (width and height) of the sub area

_stationaryMaxTimeSec = 30; // If the leader in the group is stationary more than this time, a new target position will be choosen (so that the group never gets stuck)

_defaultSearchAreaMarkerName = _searchAreaMarkerName;

waitUntil {!isNil "drn_var_commonLibInitialized"};

sleep random 0.2;

if (isNil "drn_SearchGroup_CurrentEntityNo") then {

drn_SearchGroup_CurrentEntityNo = 1


_currentEntityNo = drn_SearchGroup_CurrentEntityNo;

drn_SearchGroup_CurrentEntityNo = drn_SearchGroup_CurrentEntityNo + 1;

_subSearchAreaMarkerName = "drn_subSearchAreaMarker" + str _currentEntityNo;

_debugGroupMarkerName = "drn_SearchGroup_GroupMarker" + str _currentEntityNo;

_debugDestinationMarkerName = "drn_SearchGroup_DestinationMarker" + str _currentEntityNo;

_debugSubAreaMarkerName = "drn_SearchGroup_SubAreaMarker" + str _currentEntityNo;

_side = side (units _group select 0);

_state = "TRANSPORTING";

_enemyPos = [0, 0, 0];

_subAreaCreatedTime = diag_tickTime;

_moveToFirstPos = true;

if (_firstPos select 0 == 0 and _firstPos select 1 == 0) then {

_moveToFirstPos = false;


if (_debug) then {

["Search group " + str _currentEntityNo + " on its way!"] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;


// Wait until search area exists

while {!([_searchAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_MarkerExists)} do {

sleep 1;


if (_debug) then {

[_group, _debugGroupMarkerName, _currentEntityNo] spawn {

private ["_group", "_debugGroupMarkerName", "_currentEntityNo"];

_group = _this select 0;

_debugGroupMarkerName = _this select 1;

_currentEntityNo = _this select 2;

while {!(isnull leader _group)} do {

[_debugGroupMarkerName, getPos (leader _group), "Dot", "ColorRed", "SG" + str _currentEntityNo] call drn_fnc_CL_SetDebugMarkerAllClients;

sleep 1;




scopeName "mainScope";

// Main loop

_exitScript = false;

while {!_exitScript} do {

scopeName "mainScope";

if (_debug) then {

["Search group moving to new position..."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;


if (_state == "TRANSPORTING") then {

if (_moveToFirstPos) then {

_position = + _firstPos;

_moveToFirstPos = false;


else {

_position = [_searchAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_GetRandomMarkerPos;


_group move _position;

_group setBehaviour "AWARE";

_group setFormation "WEDGE";

_group setCombatMode "YELLOW"; // Fire at will

if ((units _group select 0) distance _position < 100) then {

_group setSpeedMode "LIMITED";


else {

_group setSpeedMode "FULL";



if (_state == "SEARCHING") then {

_position = [_searchAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_GetRandomMarkerPos;

_group move _position;

_group setBehaviour "AWARE";

// If searching sub area, make the search a little more intense

if (_searchAreaMarkerName != _defaultSearchAreaMarkerName) then {

_group setSpeedMode "FULL";

_group setFormation "WEDGE";

_group setCombatMode "RED"; // Fire at will, engage at will


else {

_group setSpeedMode "FULL";

_group setFormation "LINE";

_group setCombatMode "YELLOW"; // Fire at will



if (_state == "ENGAGING") then {

_position = + _enemyPos;

_group move _position;

_group setBehaviour "AWARE";

_group setSpeedMode "FULL";

_group setFormation "LINE";

_group setCombatMode "YELLOW"; // Fire at will


if (_debug) then {

if (_state == "ENGAGING") then {

[_debugDestinationMarkerName, _position, "Dot", "ColorRed", "SG" + str _currentEntityNo + " target"] call drn_fnc_CL_SetDebugMarkerAllClients;


else {

[_debugDestinationMarkerName, _position, "Dot", "ColorRed", "SG" + str _currentEntityNo + " destination"] call drn_fnc_CL_SetDebugMarkerAllClients;



if ([_debugMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_MarkerExists) then {

deleteMarkerLocal _debugMarkerName;


_debugMarker = createMarkerLocal [_debugMarkerName, _position];

_debugMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "Warning";



_moveCompleted = false;

_currentPos = position (units _group select 0);

_lastPos = + _currentPos;

_lastMoveTime = diag_tickTime;

while {!_moveCompleted} do {

_soldiers = + units _group;


if ((!alive _x) || (!canStand _x)) then {

_garbageGroup = createGroup _side;

[_x] joinSilent _garbageGroup;

[_x] call drn_fnc_CL_AddUnitsToGarbageCollector;

if (count units _group == 0) then {

deleteGroup _group;

_exitScript = true;

breakTo "mainScope";


if (_debug) then {

["Search group lost member " + name _x] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;



} foreach _soldiers;

if (count _soldiers == 0) exitWith {

if (_debug) then {

["Search group is terminated. Script exiting..."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;


_exitScript = true;



if (_x distance _position < 10) then {

_moveCompleted = true;


} foreach units _group;

_firstUnit = units _group select 0;

_enemyUnit = _firstUnit findNearestEnemy _firstUnit;

// If an enemy is sighted

if (!isNull _enemyUnit) then {

// If the enemy is known since earlier

if (_state == "ENGAGING") then {

if (_enemyUnit distance _enemyPos > 50) then {

// If enemy has got more than 100 m away from the position we first spotted him

_enemyPos = + position _enemyUnit;

breakTo "mainScope";



else {

// If the enemy is seen for the first time now

_enemyPos = + position _enemyUnit;

_state = "ENGAGING";

if (_debug) then {

["Search group detected enemy! Engaging..."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;


breakTo "mainScope";



else {

// If the enemy is not sighted any more

if (_state == "ENGAGING") then {

_state = "SEARCHING";

_group setBehaviour "AWARE";

// If there is no sub area already, create one

if (_searchAreaMarkerName == _defaultSearchAreaMarkerName) then {

_subAreaCreatedTime = diag_tickTime;

_subSearchAreaMarker = createMarkerLocal [_subSearchAreaMarkerName, _enemyPos];

_subSearchAreaMarker setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;

_subSearchAreaMarker setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";

_subSearchAreaMarker setMarkerSize [_subAreaSize, _subAreaSize];

_searchAreaMarkerName = _subSearchAreaMarkerName;

if (_debug) then {

["Search group lost contact of enemy! Searching sub area..."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

[_debugSubAreaMarkerName, getMarkerPos _subSearchAreaMarker, markerSize _subSearchAreaMarker, markerDir _subSearchAreaMarker, markerShape _subSearchAreaMarker, "Default", "SG" + str _currentEntityNo + " sub search area"] call drn_fnc_CL_SetDebugMarkerAllClients;

// [_debugSubAreaMarkerName, _enemyPos, [100, 100], 0, "RECTANGLE", "Default", "SG sub search area"] call drn_fnc_CL_SetDebugMarkerAllClients;



else {

// If there is a sub area already, move the existing one

_subSearchAreaMarker setMarkerPosLocal _enemyPos;

_subAreaCreatedTime = diag_tickTime;

if (_debug) then {

["Search group resetting sub area..."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

[_debugSubAreaMarkerName, getMarkerPos _subSearchAreaMarker, markerSize _subSearchAreaMarker, markerDir _subSearchAreaMarker, markerShape _subSearchAreaMarker, "Default", "SG" + str _currentEntityNo + " sub search area"] call drn_fnc_CL_SetDebugMarkerAllClients;





_currentPos = position (units _group select 0);

if (_currentPos select 0 != _lastPos select 0 || _currentPos select 1 != _lastPos select 1) then {

_lastPos = + _currentPos;

_lastMoveTime = diag_tickTime;


if (diag_tickTime > _lastMoveTime + _stationaryMaxTimeSec) then {

_moveCompleted = true;

if (_debug) then {

["Search group stationary for a long time. Picking new destination..."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;



// If search on sub area is considered finished

if (_searchAreaMarkerName != _defaultSearchAreaMarkerName && diag_tickTime > _subAreaCreatedTime + _subAreaSearchTimeSec) then {

deleteMarkerLocal _subSearchAreaMarker;

_searchAreaMarkerName = _defaultSearchAreaMarkerName;

_moveCompleted = true;

if (_debug) then {

["Search group's sub search area is clear. Returning to original search area..."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

[_debugSubAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_DeleteDebugMarkerAllClients;



// If transporting to search area, and the target position is outside the search area (the search area could have been moved), then finish the current move and pick a new position inside search area.

if (_state == "TRANSPORTING" && !([_position, _searchAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_PositionIsInsideMarker)) then {

_moveCompleted = true;


if (_moveCompleted) then {

if (!([position (units _group select 0), _searchAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_PositionIsInsideMarker)) then {



else {

if (_state == "TRANSPORTING") then {

_state = "SEARCHING";




sleep 10;



if (_debug) then {

["Search group destroyed. Script exiting."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

[_subSearchAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_DeleteDebugMarkerAllClients;

[_debugGroupMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_DeleteDebugMarkerAllClients;

[_debugDestinationMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_DeleteDebugMarkerAllClients;

[_debugSubAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_DeleteDebugMarkerAllClients;


Here's the 'far away' portion from the ambient infantry script. I'd imagine this could be slotted into the above somehow but my 'hack' efforts have been futile:

// If any group is too far away, delete it


private ["_unit"];

private ["_unitIsFarAway"];

_unit = _x;

_unitIsFarAway = true;


private ["_hasGroup", "_group", "_groupUnit", "_referenceUnit"];

_referenceUnit = vehicle _x;

// A unit is far away if its alive and beyond max spawn distance, or if it's dead and beyond garbage collect distance.

if ((((alive _unit) && (_referenceUnit distance _unit < _maxSpawnDistance)) || ((!alive _unit) && (_referenceUnit distance _unit < _garbageCollectDistance)))) exitWith {

_unitIsFarAway = false;


} foreach units _referenceGroup;

if (_unitIsFarAway) then {

_farAwayUnits set [_farAwayUnitsCount, _unit];

_farAwayUnitsCount = _farAwayUnitsCount + 1;


} foreach _activeUnits;

_unitsToDelete = [];

_groupsToDelete = [];

_unitsToDeleteCount = 0;

_groupsToDeleteCount = 0;


private ["_unit"];

private ["_hasGroup", "_wholeGroupFarAway"];

_unit = _x;

_group = group _unit;

_hasGroup = false;

if (str _group != "<NULL-group>") then {

_hasGroup = true;


if (_hasGroup) then {

// Delete all units in the group, if all units are far away

_wholeGroupFarAway = true;


if (!(_x in _farAwayUnits)) then {

_wholeGroupFarAway = false;


} foreach units group _unit;

if (_wholeGroupFarAway) then {

_unitsToDelete set [_unitsToDeleteCount, _unit];

_unitsToDeleteCount = _unitsToDeleteCount + 1;

if (!(_group in _groupsToDelete)) then {

_groupsToDelete set [_groupsToDeleteCount, _group];

_groupsToDeleteCount = _groupsToDeleteCount + 1;




else {

_unitsToDelete set [count _unitsToDelete, _unit];

_unitsToDeleteCount = _unitsToDeleteCount + 1;


} foreach _farAwayUnits;

// Delete units that are marked for delete

_activeUnits = + _activeUnits - _unitsToDelete;

_activeGroups = + _activeGroups - _groupsToDelete;


private ["_scriptHandle"];

_scriptHandle = _x getVariable "drn_scriptHandle";

if (!(scriptDone _scriptHandle)) then {

terminate _scriptHandle;


deleteVehicle _x;

} foreach _unitsToDelete;


private ["_scriptHandle"];

_scriptHandle = _x getVariable "drn_scriptHandle";

if (!(scriptDone _scriptHandle)) then {

terminate _scriptHandle;


deleteGroup _x;

} foreach _groupsToDelete;

_debugMsg = "";

if (count _unitsToDelete > 0) then {

_debugMsg = str (count _unitsToDelete) + " units deleted by Ambient Infantry. ";


if (count _groupsToDelete > 0) then {

_debugMsg = _debugMsg + str (count _groupsToDelete) + " groups deleted by Ambient Infantry. ";


if (_debug && _debugMsg != "") then {

[_debugMsg] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;


_tempGroupsCount = 0;

_tempGroups = [];

// Remove dead groups from active groups list


private ["_activeGroup"];

_activeGroup = _x;

if (({alive _x} count units _activeGroup) > 0) then {

_tempGroups set [_tempGroupsCount, _activeGroup];

_tempGroupsCount = _tempGroupsCount + 1;


else {

if (_debug) then {

["Ambient Infantry deleting group with all dead units."] call drn_fnc_CL_ShowDebugTextAllClients;



} foreach _activeGroups;

_activeGroups = _tempGroups;

if (_debug) then {

sleep 1;


else {

sleep 60;



Many thanks,

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