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Shadow won't cast on dampers springs

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I'm having this weird bug, which has been persistent on this model since it came out with A2.

I'm porting the LAV-25 and i noticed that the vehicle casts a shadow on itself correctly everywhere but the damper springs.

Here's a video to show you what i'm talking about:


Notice that when the vehicle is actually under something else like a hangar or a garage, shadows work correctly on springs too.

I've been working on this for some hours right now and i've looked through the forums for something similar with no luck.

I read some say it is a problem with the texture files so i saved the _ca.paa file in tga format then back to paa again but didn't work.

Am i supposed to do this for the _as.paa file as well?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

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I think i managed to solve the problem.

I the _ca texture and saved it with _co extension through TexView.

Then i selected the specific sections that didn't display properly and changed texture path through face properties:


Looks much better now. :cool:

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