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Help with Boat config

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I'm very noob at modding, and I wanna learn but I can't find any good tutorial, so I'm trying to learn it by myself and currently I have this stuff: a pretty good 3D model, all the textures and the BI template for boat files. The textures are in ".paa" and the model is in ".p3d" but I don't know what I have to do with it, so all I did was to open my 3d model with oxigen and save it as ".p3d", and I don't know if this is the only thing to do to the model. To convert the textures I used the BI tools. So this is what I have now:


All the folders are empty, except the data; the textures are within. I don't know, though, how to configure all the other files to make them work only for the test.

My config.cpp file

#include "basicdefines_A3.hpp" 

class CfgPatches 
   class Test_boat_F 
       units[]                 = {"Test_Boat_01"}; 
       weapons[]             = {}; 
       requiredVersion         = 0.1; 
       requiredAddons[]     = {"A3_Boat_F"}; 

class CfgVehicles 
   class Ship; 
   class Ship_F: Ship 
       class ViewPilot; 
       class AnimationSources;     
       class Eventhandlers;             
   class Test_Boat_01_base_F: Ship_F 
       displayName = "Test Boat";  /// displayed in Editor 
       model         = "\Samples_f\Test_Boat_01\Test_Boat_01";/// simple path to model 
       picture     = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\placeholder_co.paa"; /// just some icon in command bar 
       Icon     = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\placeholder_co.paa"; /// icon in map     
       cost         = 20000; /// how likely is the enemy going to target this vehicle 
       accuracy     = 0.50; /// knowledge required to recognize this type of target 

       class HitPoints /// define the sturdiness of the ship 
           class HitEngine {armor = 1.2;    material = 60; name = "engine";        visual = "";             passThrough = 1; radius = 0.1;};    /// radius causes bigger damage but on a more precise hit 
           class HitHull     {armor = 1;     material = 50; name = "karoserie";     visual = "zbytek";     passThrough = 1; explosionShielding = 1;}; 

       leftEngineEffect = "LEngEffectsSmall";     /// Particle effect class for engine particles 
       rightEngineEffect = "REngEffectsSmall"; 

       simulation                      = "shipx";  /// all ships should have this simulation 
       maxSpeed                     = 80;        /// top speed of the vehicle 
       overSpeedBrakeCoef              = 0.8;        /// how much does the vehicle itself brake in case it goes faster than maxSpeed 
       enginePower                     = 235;        /// power of engine in kW 
       engineShiftY                    = 0.1;        /// relative virtual position of engine for PhysX, affects lateral ship slope during turns 
       waterLeakiness                  = 1.0;        /// amount of litres per second that leaks into ship if under water, destroyed or turned upside down 
       turnCoef                      = 0.25;     /// how well is the ship able to turn 
       thrustDelay                  = 2;        /// initial delay to cause lesser slip when on 1st gear - thrust goes from zero to full in this time 
       waterLinearDampingCoefY      = 2;        /// affect how fast does the ship go through waves down - higher values make it drift more on top of waves 
       waterLinearDampingCoefX      = 2.0;        /// affects sliding of the ship in turns 
       waterAngularDampingCoef      = 1.2;        /// increase this for smoother movement, but beware too high values 
       waterResistanceCoef          = 0.015;    /// how much does water slow the ship down 
       rudderForceCoef                 = 0.100000;    /// increase this to gain more turning on lower speeds 
       rudderForceCoefAtMaxSpeed     = 0.003000;    /// increase this to gain more turning on higher speeds     
       idleRpm = 200;                            /// revolutions per minute at which the engine idles 
       redRpm = 1200;                            /// maximum revolutions per minute of the engine 

       class complexGearbox 
           GearboxRatios[]    = {"R1",-0.782,"N",0,"D1",2.0,"D2",1.85,"D3",1.75}; 
           TransmissionRatios[] = {"High",1.0}; // Optional: defines transmission ratios (for example, High and Low range as commonly found in offroad vehicles) 
           gearBoxMode        = "auto"; //gearbox can be of type: full-auto (only requires 'W' or 'S'), auto (requires shift between drive and reverse), semi-auto, manual 
           moveOffGear        = 1; // defines what gear an automatic or semi-automatic gearbox will move off from stationary in. 1 by default. 
           driveString        = "D"; // string to display in the HUD for forward gears. 
           neutralString      = "N"; // string to display in the HUD for neutral gear. 
           reverseString      = "R"; // string to display in the HUD for reverse gears. 

       brakeDistance     = 3; /// how many internal waypoints should the AI plan braking in advance 

       driverAction             = driver_mid01;     /// what action is going the driver take inside the vehicle. Non-existent action makes the vehicle inaccessible 
       driverLeftHandAnimName      = "drivingWheel";      /// according to what bone in model of car does hand move 
       driverRightHandAnimName = "drivingWheel";    /// according to what bone in model of car does hand move     
       cargoAction[]             = {passenger_low01};/// the same of all the crew 
       cargoIsCoDriver[]         = {false};            /// there is no special co-driver entry point on the boat 
       ejectDeadDriver          = false;            /// use this if you don't have proper dead pose for the driver, it will eject him from boat if he dies 
       transportSoldier         = 2;                /// number of cargo except driver 
       class TransportItems    /// some first aid kits in trunk according to safety regulations 

       armor = 10;                        /// just some protection against missiles, collisions and explosions 
       damageResistance = 0.00882;        /// for AI if it is worth to be shoot at 

       class Turrets {};                /// this vehicle doesn't have any turret, we need to make the class empty 

       #include "sounds.hpp"            /// sounds are included from separate file to not clutter the rest of file 

       class Reflectors {};            /// there are no reflectors on this boat, check car for some examples 
       class Damage /// damage changes material in specific places (visual in hitPoint) 
           tex[] = {}; 
           mat[] = { 
                "A3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext.rvmat",             /// material mapped in model 
               "A3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_damage.rvmat",    /// changes to this one once damage of the part reaches 0.5 
               "A3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_destruct.rvmat"    /// changes to this one once damage of the part reaches 1 
       extCameraPosition[]         = {0,1.0,-8.0};                /// provides offset of external camera in {side, height, to front} format 
       leftFastWaterEffect      = "LFastWaterEffects";        /// defines what class of water effect is going to be used while sailing fast 
       rightFastWaterEffect      = "RFastWaterEffects";        /// defines what class of water effect is going to be used while sailing fast 
       waterEffectSpeed          = 5;                        /// limit of displaying the standard water effect 
       engineEffectSpeed          = 5;                        /// limit of displaying the engine effect 
       waterFastEffectSpeed      = 28;                        /// limit where the standard water effect changes to the fast sailing one 
       class Eventhandlers: Eventhandlers    /// specific event handlers to handle variants - by default are all shown, event handlers hide them 
           init = "_this select 0 animate [""HidePoliceSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HideRescueSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HidePolice"",1];"; 
           killed = "_this select 0 animate [""HidePoliceSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HideRescueSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HidePolice"",1];"; 
       hiddenSelections[]              = {"camo", "camo2"};     /// we want to allow changing of colours, this defines on what selection are the textures used 
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[]     = {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_01\data\Boat_01_ext_co.paa", "\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_01\data\Boat_01_int_co.paa"}; /// and here are the textures     

       class AnimationSources: AnimationSources    /// hides all the proxies and beacons, to be sure 
           class Proxy    /// name of animation source in model.cfg 
               source         = "user";     /// what is the animation source based on, this time it is user input 
               animPeriod     = 1;        /// how long does it take to switch from 0 to 1 (or vice versa) if used by script 
               initPhase     = 0;        /// what is the value of animation source to start with 
           class Beacons 
               source         = "user"; 
               animPeriod     = 1; 
               initPhase     = 0; 

   class C_Test_Boat_01_F: Test_Boat_01_base_F 
       scope             = public;                     /// scope 2 means it is available in editor, this is one of the macros in basicdefines_a3.hpp 
       displayName         = "My civilian test boat";     /// how does the vehicle show itself in editor 
       side             = 3;                        /// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas 
       faction             = CIV_F;                    /// defines the faction inside of the side 
       crew             = "Test_Soldier_F";            /// lets use the sample soldier we have as default captain of the boat 

   class C_Test_Boat_01_rescue_F: Test_Boat_01_base_F 
       scope             = public;                    /// scope 2 means it is available in editor, this is one of the macros in basicdefines_a3.hpp 
       displayName         = "My rescue test boat";     /// how does the vehicle show itself in editor 
       side             = 3;                        /// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas 
       faction             = CIV_F;                    /// defines the faction inside of the side 
       crew             = "Test_Soldier_F";            /// lets use the sample soldier we have as default captain of the boat 

       class AnimationSources: AnimationSources    /// hides all the beacons, shows the proxies 
           class Proxy: Proxy             /// needs to be inherited from the base to keep the values 
               initPhase     = 1;        /// overrides just the value, rest stays as it is 
       class Eventhandlers: Eventhandlers /// specific event handlers to handle variants - by default are all shown, event handlers hide them 
           init = "_this select 0 animate [""HidePoliceSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HideRescueSigns"",0]; _this select 0 animate [""HidePolice"",1];"; 
           /// note the missing killed event handler = > it uses the same as base to hide all the props while destroyed 
       /// and the changes of textures to rescue ones 
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[]     = {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Test_Boat_01\data\Test_Boat_01_ext_rescue_co.paa", "\a3\boat_f_gamma\Test_Boat_01\data\Test_Boat_01_int_rescue_co.paa"};              
   class C_Test_Boat_01_police_F: Test_Boat_01_base_F 
       scope             = public;                    /// scope 2 means it is available in editor, this is one of the macros in basicdefines_a3.hpp 
       displayName         = "My police test boat";     /// how does the vehicle show itself in editor 
       side             = 3;                        /// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas 
       faction             = CIV_F;                    /// defines the faction inside of the side 
       crew             = "Test_Soldier_F";            /// lets use the sample soldier we have as default captain of the boat 

       /** It is technically possible to have side, faction and crew defined in base class, but it may cause some issues with identification of targets */ 

       class AnimationSources: AnimationSources    /// hides all the beacons, shows the proxies 
           class Proxy: Proxy             /// needs to be inherited from the base to keep the values 
               initPhase     = 1;        /// overrides just the value, rest stays as it is 
       class Eventhandlers: Eventhandlers 
           init = "_this select 0 animate [""HidePoliceSigns"",0]; _this select 0 animate [""HideRescueSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HidePolice"",0];"; 

       class UserActions /// Adding possibility for user to switch the beacons on/off 
           class beacons_start 
               userActionID          = 50;                                /// just some unique number 
               displayName          = $STR_A3_CfgVehicles_beacons_on;    /// what is displayed in the action menu 
               displayNameDefault      = $STR_A3_CfgVehicles_beacons_on;    /// what is displayed in middle of screen 
               position             = "mph_axis";                        /// at what memory point of the ship is the used as center of the radius 
               priority              = 1.5;                                /// sorting of action menu 
               radius                 = 1.8;                                /// radius around position where the action is avaliable 
               animPeriod             = 2;                                /// how long does the animation source take to go from 0 to 1 
               onlyForPlayer         = false;                            /// it is usable even by AI 
               condition             = "this animationPhase ""BeaconsStart"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND driver this = = player"; /// at what condition is the action displayed 
               statement             = "this animate [""BeaconsStart"",1];"; /// and what happens when the action is used 
           class beacons_stop: beacons_start 
               userActionID          = 51; 
               displayName          = $STR_A3_CfgVehicles_beacons_off; 
               displayNameDefault      = $STR_A3_CfgVehicles_beacons_off; 
               condition             = "this animationPhase ""BeaconsStart"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND driver this = = player"; 
               statement             = "this animate [""BeaconsStart"",0];"; 
       /// and the changes of textures to police ones 
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[]     = {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Test_Boat_01\data\Test_Boat_01_ext_police_co.paa", "\a3\boat_f_gamma\Test_Boat_01\data\Test_Boat_01_int_police_co.paa"};              

I read a thread that explains how to make a good engine and things like that, but it was pretty difficult... Is it of main importance, or is it possible to make a simplier engine?

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hi again, I've changed some things in config.cpp but I don't know it's good, and I can't try it because the addon builder doesen't work, :S I have the see how to fix that.

So you can say me if I did good?

#include "basicdefines_A3.hpp"

class CfgPatches
class Test_boat_F
	units[]				 = {"Test_Boat_01"};
	weapons[]			 = {};
	requiredVersion		 = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[]	 = {"A3_Boat_F"};

class CfgVehicles
class Ship;
class Ship_F: Ship
	class ViewPilot;
	class AnimationSources;	
	class Eventhandlers;			
class Test_Boat_01_base_F: Ship_F
	displayName = "LCAC";  /// displayed in Editor
	model		 = "\Elca_Lcac.p3d";/// simple path to model
	picture	 = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\placeholder_co.paa"; /// just some icon in command bar
	Icon	 = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\placeholder_co.paa"; /// icon in map	
	cost		 = 20000; /// how likely is the enemy going to target this vehicle
	accuracy	 = 0.50; /// knowledge required to recognize this type of target

	class HitPoints /// define the sturdiness of the ship
		class HitEngine {armor = 1.2;	material = 60; name = "engine";		visual = ""; 			passThrough = 1; radius = 0.1;};	/// radius causes bigger damage but on a more precise hit
		class HitHull 	{armor = 1; 	material = 50; name = "karoserie"; 	visual = "zbytek"; 	passThrough = 1; explosionShielding = 1;};

	leftEngineEffect = "LEngEffectsSmall"; 	/// Particle effect class for engine particles
	rightEngineEffect = "REngEffectsSmall";

	simulation             		 = "shipx";  /// all ships should have this simulation
	maxSpeed					 = 80;		/// top speed of the vehicle
	overSpeedBrakeCoef     		 = 0.8;		/// how much does the vehicle itself brake in case it goes faster than maxSpeed
	enginePower            		 = 235;		/// power of engine in kW
	engineShiftY           		 = 0.1;		/// relative virtual position of engine for PhysX, affects lateral ship slope during turns
	waterLeakiness         		 = 1.0;		/// amount of litres per second that leaks into ship if under water, destroyed or turned upside down
	turnCoef 					 = 0.25; 	/// how well is the ship able to turn
	thrustDelay 				 = 2;		/// initial delay to cause lesser slip when on 1st gear - thrust goes from zero to full in this time
	waterLinearDampingCoefY 	 = 2;		/// affect how fast does the ship go through waves down - higher values make it drift more on top of waves
	waterLinearDampingCoefX 	 = 2.0;		/// affects sliding of the ship in turns
	waterAngularDampingCoef 	 = 1.2;		/// increase this for smoother movement, but beware too high values
	waterResistanceCoef 		 = 0.015;	/// how much does water slow the ship down
	rudderForceCoef				 = 0.100000;	/// increase this to gain more turning on lower speeds
	rudderForceCoefAtMaxSpeed	 = 0.003000;	/// increase this to gain more turning on higher speeds	
	idleRpm = 200;							/// revolutions per minute at which the engine idles
	redRpm = 1200;							/// maximum revolutions per minute of the engine

	class complexGearbox
		GearboxRatios[]    = {"R1",-0.782,"N",0,"D1",2.0,"D2",1.85,"D3",1.75};
		TransmissionRatios[] = {"High",1.0}; // Optional: defines transmission ratios (for example, High and Low range as commonly found in offroad vehicles)
		gearBoxMode        = "auto"; //gearbox can be of type: full-auto (only requires 'W' or 'S'), auto (requires shift between drive and reverse), semi-auto, manual
		moveOffGear        = 1; // defines what gear an automatic or semi-automatic gearbox will move off from stationary in. 1 by default.
		driveString        = "D"; // string to display in the HUD for forward gears.
		neutralString      = "N"; // string to display in the HUD for neutral gear.
		reverseString      = "R"; // string to display in the HUD for reverse gears.

	brakeDistance	 = 3; /// how many internal waypoints should the AI plan braking in advance

	driverAction			 = driver_mid01; 	/// what action is going the driver take inside the vehicle. Non-existent action makes the vehicle inaccessible
	driverLeftHandAnimName 	 = "drivingWheel";  	/// according to what bone in model of car does hand move
	driverRightHandAnimName = "drivingWheel";	/// according to what bone in model of car does hand move	
	cargoAction[]			 = {passenger_low01};/// the same of all the crew
	cargoIsCoDriver[]		 = {false};			/// there is no special co-driver entry point on the boat
	ejectDeadDriver 		 = false;			/// use this if you don't have proper dead pose for the driver, it will eject him from boat if he dies
	transportSoldier		 = 2;				/// number of cargo except driver
	class TransportItems	/// some first aid kits in trunk according to safety regulations

	armor = 10;						/// just some protection against missiles, collisions and explosions
	damageResistance = 0.00882;		/// for AI if it is worth to be shoot at

	class Turrets {};				/// this vehicle doesn't have any turret, we need to make the class empty

	#include "sounds.hpp"			/// sounds are included from separate file to not clutter the rest of file

	class Reflectors {};			/// there are no reflectors on this boat, check car for some examples
	class Damage /// damage changes material in specific places (visual in hitPoint)
		tex[] = {};
		mat[] = {
				"A3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext.rvmat", 			/// material mapped in model
			"A3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_damage.rvmat",	/// changes to this one once damage of the part reaches 0.5
			"A3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_destruct.rvmat"	/// changes to this one once damage of the part reaches 1
	extCameraPosition[]		 = {0,1.0,-8.0};				/// provides offset of external camera in {side, height, to front} format
	leftFastWaterEffect 	 = "LFastWaterEffects";		/// defines what class of water effect is going to be used while sailing fast
	rightFastWaterEffect 	 = "RFastWaterEffects";		/// defines what class of water effect is going to be used while sailing fast
	waterEffectSpeed 		 = 5;						/// limit of displaying the standard water effect
	engineEffectSpeed 		 = 5;						/// limit of displaying the engine effect
	waterFastEffectSpeed 	 = 28;						/// limit where the standard water effect changes to the fast sailing one
	class Eventhandlers: Eventhandlers	/// specific event handlers to handle variants - by default are all shown, event handlers hide them
		init = "_this select 0 animate [""HidePoliceSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HideRescueSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HidePolice"",1];";
		killed = "_this select 0 animate [""HidePoliceSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HideRescueSigns"",1]; _this select 0 animate [""HidePolice"",1];";
	hiddenSelections[] 			 = {"camo", "camo2"}; 	/// we want to allow changing of colours, this defines on what selection are the textures used
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[]	 = {"\data\LCAC_Alpha.paa", "\data\LCAC_glass.paa", "\data\LCAC1.paa", "\data\LCAC2.paa", "\data\LCAC3.paa", "\data\LCAC4.paa"}; /// and here are the textures	

	class AnimationSources: AnimationSources	/// hides all the proxies and beacons, to be sure
		class Proxy	/// name of animation source in model.cfg
			source		 = "user"; 	/// what is the animation source based on, this time it is user input
			animPeriod	 = 1;		/// how long does it take to switch from 0 to 1 (or vice versa) if used by script
			initPhase	 = 0;		/// what is the value of animation source to start with
		class Beacons
			source		 = "user";
			animPeriod	 = 1;
			initPhase	 = 0;

class C_Test_Boat_01_F: Test_Boat_01_base_F
	scope			 = public; 					/// scope 2 means it is available in editor, this is one of the macros in basicdefines_a3.hpp
	displayName		 = "LCAC"; 					/// how does the vehicle show itself in editor
	side			 = 1;						/// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas
	faction			 = BLU_F;					/// defines the faction inside of the side
	crew			 = "B_Soldier_F";			/// lets use the sample soldier we have as default captain of the boat

Sorry for my bad english.

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