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Triggering a range of IEDs using setDamage?

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Hi there!

Looked for ages and found a way to cause an IED/ any type of explosive to detonate.

Now I'm looking to detonate more than one.. Is there anyway to do that?

Right now I use setDamage 1 and then the name "setDamage 1 IED".

But is there any way to make a range?

Because if I copy paste the IED it goes like this:

IED, IED_1, IED_2, IED_3 etc. So if I were able to set a range I could blow up all the ones I want to.

Any help?


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I use this:


bomb="M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG" createVehicle (getPos Mine01); deletevehicle Mine01;

Where M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG you can change it the explosion type here.

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I use this:


bomb="M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG" createVehicle (getPos Mine01); deletevehicle Mine01;

Where M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG you can change it the explosion type here.

Yeah I know but that triggers an explosion on the mine. I want to cause more than one to explode at once.. I could do the same with a marker..

But essentially I want one trigger to blow a set of mines..

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_number = 5;
for "_i" from 1 to _number do{
    call compile format["IED_%1 setDamage 1;", _i];
IED setDamage 1;

Edited by brians200

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_number = 5;
for "_i" from 1 to _number do{
    call compile format["IED_%1 setDamage 1;", _i];
IED setDamage 1;

So thing is I'm kind of new to scripting and when I try to use what you put up it says it's a local variable in global space.

So I added private; to the beginning. But now I'm getting invalid number in expression. Any help?

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I use the same as Goodnight, just copy the code repeatedly separated each time by a semi colon in the ON ACT field of the trigger. Remember to name your IEDs and include 1 set of code for each IED you want to explode.

Any problems, have aook on my youtube channel for my car bomb and IED tutorial

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