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About the "Command Sequence"

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Hello space comrades!

Played TKOM since the first early access release on mars - for 11 hours only. I loved the game at the point, I don't remember why I stopped playing it.

Today I installed it again, saw that news about exploration one.

After starting I saw that new map - great! New asteroid (?), the asteroid belt and much more locations. (After the great Mars3 intro to be right).

As second thing the new probes - nice thing and I am wondering if the nasa has landed really so many probes on mars o.O

After that I got a notification about the weather and I read something about moving rocks in the wind - does this really happen ingame?

And last thing I discovered as a new thing doe me - COMMANDS?!!?

WWWOOOOW! New dimension for me - I mean really. It's much more fun for me putting some commands in it, looking for the distances and let the rover run. Now I have some questions about this:

- will the command mode stay in the game? I like it - No I LOVE it

- The satellite, right now I use it for moving my rover with the commands. But is this satellite realistic?

- will even more realistic options come to the game?

- and for the last question: what is in the dev beta right now different to the normal game?

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