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Counting and Hinting Locally Using a Trigger

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Hello Scripting Community,

My regiment is planning on doing an in-house 10 lap race on Altis and is in need of a counting script that will hint/sidechat globally as each player hints a trigger and add that finished lap to a variable that will change with each successive lap there after until 10 is reached. But I need it to only happen with that particular player, within the trigger zone, once each time. I know this is a little confusing so hopefully the little bit of code that I have will suffice.

I also need to hint/side chat with each player's name, which I am unsure of, but I'm sure there is another forum out there with that information, which I will look up later, but the getGUID lines and such are placeholders for now.

I horrible at setting up variables properly, so any help would be greatly appreciated!!

I have a trigger with:

Activation - Anybody

Condition - player in thisList;

On Act. - nul = [] execVM "lap.sqf";


lap = 0;


if (isServer) {

_guid = getGUID player;

if (_lap < 10) then {
_lap = _lap + 1;
this sideChat "_guid is on lap: _lap of 10";

} else
if (lap == 10) then {hint format["%1 has completed the race!!!", _guid];};


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