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DUWS Too many virtual memory blocks requested ?

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Dynamic Universal Was System

i love the scenario, probably the best one ive played yet, well at least for an hr or 2, cause after that it becomes unplayable due to lag,

ive reduced the enemy bases to 2 and set at 1000m, yes i still get lag, i have a gaming pc, Nvidia GTX770, i7 3.4ghz, 12 gb ram, yet i cant play this mode after an hr or so, even tonight it was so bad after less than an hr i exit'd and saved, but when i tried to load that save again i get this msg after Arma3 has closed on its own 'Too many virtual memory blocks' ?

i would understand if i had shot hundreds of enemy units, but the fact there where 4 armor vehicles shot and probably 30-40 or so units, i just dont understand why this game is so demanding and unplayable after such a short time ?

is there any scripts/mods i can add the will remove dead units after a set time ?

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