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No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches.ns'. error when trying to launch mission

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Recently, I've been working with the Zeus module trying to test it out for use within the realism unit I partake in. However, when I load Arma with the listed mods:(http://prntscr.com/3aey7v) the game returns an error.(http://prntscr.com/3aey19) This causes an issue both when editing on the single player editor (as it will end the preview and send you back to the editor with no further explanation. This also is problematic when trying to run the mission on a dedicated server as it will cause the mission to be unable to run as well returning the Admin to the mission selection screen when the mission is selected. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I have seen no other posts on the subject.

Note: This doesn't occur when running vanilla.

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  sarge950 said:
Recently, I've been working with the Zeus module trying to test it out for use within the realism unit I partake in. However, when I load Arma with the listed mods:(http://prntscr.com/3aey7v) the game returns an error.(http://prntscr.com/3aey19) This causes an issue both when editing on the single player editor (as it will end the preview and send you back to the editor with no further explanation. This also is problematic when trying to run the mission on a dedicated server as it will cause the mission to be unable to run as well returning the Admin to the mission selection screen when the mission is selected. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I have seen no other posts on the subject.

Note: This doesn't occur when running vanilla.

I'm having the exact same problem.

Mods running

@A3MP (and additional A3MP + F.A.T.A and CLAfghan AND ZeusA3MP hotfix)


My Server and Myself are running v1.16

In fact, I still cant start any Zeus missions with only Vanilla running.

It will work if I take all mods off of the server -mod string.

List of Mods

@AV_Mods(US Indus);@CAF_AG;@CBA_A3;@EBU_Mods(arma 2 helo import);@HAFM(HMMVWs);@A3MP;@mas(Masi nato/spec weapons);@mas1(Massi Marsoc/Marine uniforms);@Peral_A-10C;@RAV_Lifter_A3;@TFR;@XActionUi;@XLib;@XMedSys;@Shoothouses;@alive;@mcc;@Zeu

Edited by Chocolate

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  Mr. Charles said:
If you use A3MP_AP, you have to actually include all the additional maps, as they're in the config as required addons. Though Namalsk has some units which you should delete before adding the rest to the game. This is my Namalsk folder:


This will solve problem

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I have found something interesting regarding this, I have yet to install the files I need to fix it but strangely On every map I have made personally, this error pops up but the Editor still loads into preview mode. Only recently when I attempted to edit a popular public I and A mission downloaded from their site did I run into this editor loop thing. So it is specific to certain missions but why?

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I keep getting file addons\config.cpp, line 2: /cfgpatches/: "A" encountered instead of '{' and it does this every time I try to start the game from the launcher!

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