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Losing Sound

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Since last patch, when I get into a gunfight, I lose all sound, sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes permanently.

I'm using a Sound Blaster Z soundcard. DirectX is up to date, as are the audio drivers.

The problem occurs both with speakers and headphones and happens every time I get into a large gunfight.

Any ideas?

[EDIT] i should have said this is both with and without mods.

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Had a similar problem today. Suddenly i lost the complete left sound of my in ears headphones during the longest session i had ever played. It didnt came back for the rest of the fight. Thought my headphones are broken but after i closed Arma3 and tried something else the sound was back. So only an ingame problem. Never had this before.

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Me and buddies are experiencing the same thing on occasion with the King of the Hill missions. Other times, audio popping. ALT-Tab usually fixes it but sometimes this action will result in a game crash.

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