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Making AA not fire at infantry

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Hi all!

I'm trying to create a coop mission where both infantry, light ground vehicles and fixed wing CAS (bombs/cannon only) can be utilized. All resources are manned by players, no AI except enemies.

I want the first part of the mission to be so that there are active mobile AA-units, like the Tigris, scattered around the AO. The ground forces need to take out before CAS has a reasonable change of survival over the AO. In other words, to be able to use CAS; destroy AA first.

Since I want the infantry force to have some fun and action while doing this task I station some enemy infantry at the different Tigris locations. What happens now is, as soon as players open fire at the enemy infantry, the Tigris goes all bananas with the AA-cannon and pretty much wipes out a squad in no-time if not behind some serious cover .... which Altis doesn't always provide. :)

To make it a bit Hollywood fun I've set up some event handlers so the Tigris will need to be taken out by demo charge or satchel. The problem remains; if a Tigris spots you it very quickly becomes time to respawn.

So my question, is there somehow possible to limit the Tigris cannons movement or make infantry invisible to an AA unit?

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Indeed any military AA cannon is able to fire at ground level, just in case a stupid tries to destroy them with demo charges... So that wouldn't be realistic...

Anti AA operations tend to be SPECOP and destroyed in stealth / ambush missions or, more frequently, with artillery...

The type of misión you are trying to make is better if the objective, instead of AA cannons, is normal arty cannons, missile batteries etc..

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Thanks for the reply!

Hehe yeah, well aware of when mixing the realism factor along with what I'm trying to do it all becomes pretty idiotic. But, I wanted to air out the possibilities atleast due to the fact that I think it will be a fun experience for the players :)

I'll try to solve it somehow so there is a chain of event leading up to making CAS runs available. Right now I'm having a bunch of AAa unmanned just as props so BLUFOR infantry first clears the area of enemies, then move in and destroy the AA with charges. But I still, somehow, want the planes to get shot at by AA if they try and poke the area.

Back to the drawing board it is then :)

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Well, what you can make, for ambient purposes, is to make the gun stay firing in the air all the time. Give it targets and force it to doTarget / doFire it, so it won't spend it's time on your thugs ;)

Also, maybe you could try to make the arty friendly to INDEPENDENT (join them to a 0% presence INDEPENDENT unit), prolly in the map will be with red color anyway. INDEPENDENT then must be friend to all sides. Put a trigger close to it so when your friends enter, it becomes OPFOR again.

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Thanks, I'll try your suggestions :D

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