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weird shadow on my model

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I'm modelling a pistol for VMEPLA MOD,but when I exported the lowpoly model into the O2,I find some weird shadow along the edge on my model. I don't know how to describe it ,so this is the picture


I wondered there is some thing wrong with my model,so I creat a cylinder and smooth it,the model still have the same problem


Then I imported a GOLCK(download on websit) into O2,it don't have this weird shadow


ALL these model are modelled by Blender,and exported by the FHQ Arma toolbox for Blender,I even use the BLender 2.64 version to export the model(in OBJ,this version don't support the toolbox),but still have the same problem.BTW,I use Blender 2.70,the version of FHQ Arma toolbox is 1.5,I still use BI editing tools 2.5 because the new tool dosen't work well on my PC.

Thanks for your time.

Edited by FOXSRU

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It'll go once you set the model up properly, to how it will use shadows ingame.

For the time being you can just add the named property lodnoshadow = 1 to this LOD and your subsequent resolution LODs (like you would do before preparing the weapon to go ingame) and create a new ShadowVolume LOD (can just be empty in the time being, until you make a proper shadow LOD), and that shitty surface shadowing should stop showing in Buldozer, since the viewer will use your empty shadow LOD to generate the shadow instead of the resolution LOD geometry.

You can build the geometry for the proper ingame shadow LOD later on.

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I don't understand why the glock pistol don't have such shitty shadow without any setting,and my model which I made last year don't have such shitty shadow too.Is there any setting not correct in the blender?such as face normal or something

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