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Mission Parameters - Quick

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So been searching for awhile now on how do to some mission parameters.

Cant seem to find what im looking for, everyone wants to change time and weather.

All i want to do is activate a SQF if they choose value 1.

What i currently have:

class Params
class ReviveEnabled
	// paramsArray[0]
	title = "Enable Revive?";
	values[] = {1,0};
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};
	default = 1;
class PlayerMarkers
	// paramsArray[1]
	title = "Player markers on map?";
	values[] = {1,0};
	texts[] = {"Enabled","Disabled"};
	default = 1;
class VAS
	// paramsArray[2]
	title = "VAS Box At Start?";
	values[] = {1,0};
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};
	default = 1;

I have made custom scripts that work upon if the option value is 1 or 0.

[] execVM "scripts\vasload.sqf";
[] execVM "scripts\playerMarkers.sqf";

and then for revive im using far revive, so i need to call it:

call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "FAR_revive\FAR_revive_init.sqf";

ive tried many ways, but she cant find them nor will she activate them.

Any thoughts?

Just want to activate thous scripts if the value is 1



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