alexboy 11 Posted April 8, 2014 Hey guys... If you dont know already.... im working on alot of addons / scripts.... I am working on my C-ram right now... and in my script I am trying to check if my unit is firing (actually firing bullets... not checking if its aiming at a target....) I get this _defender addEventHandler ["fired", {_this call IGN_fnc_shotcounter}]; but.... how can i make this into a true / false or 0/1 value that is given ex: if unit is firing return value 1 if unit is not firing return value 0 i need this to make sure the unit is firing to be able to aim its "target" to destroy it if you can make it into a simple cut / paste code itll be highly appreciative really stuck on this... when i put this into my script it lags it terribly //creating a little function to count fired shots from primary weapon alex_fnc_shotcounter = { private ["_defender", "_weapon"]; _defender = _this select 0; _weapon = _weaponClass; //_this select 1; //_defender setVariable ["ShotsTaken", (_defender getVariable "ShotsTaken") + 1]; if ((_defender getVariable "ShotsTaken")) then { //hintsilent format ["Shots fired: %1", _defender getVariable "ShotsTaken"]; hint "firing"; _fired = 1; _firinggun = 1; } else { _fired = 0; //hintsilent format ["Limit of %1 shots reached", _defender getVariable "maxShots"]; hint "not firing"; }; }; //Adding eventHandler to the unit. if (_aimingQuality == 1 && _firinggun == 0) then { alex_firedEH = _defender addEventHandler ["fired", {_this call alex_fnc_shotcounter}]; }; but if you can find a better way to do this... i appreciate it Thank you in advance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites