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Question about placing several markers

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while {true} do

	 if ((_x isKindOf "Man") and (isPlayer _x)) then 
		_markerstr = createMarker ["markername",getpos _x];
		_markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_markerstr setMarkerType "mil_dot";		 

} forEach Allunits; 

sleep 10;


this is supposed to place a marker every 10 seconds on the player position. However it only places one the first time and then stops placing, although the loop is still running. Any advice? I want it to place a new marker for every new sequence of the loop.

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Probably due to every marker name having to be unique. You have to generate a new name each time:

[b]_markercount = 0;[/b]

while {true} do
	 if ((_x isKindOf "Man") and (isPlayer _x)) then 
		_markerstr = createMarker [[b][url="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/format"]format[/url] ["markername%1", _markercount][/b], getpos _x];
		_markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_markerstr setMarkerType "mil_dot";	
		[b]_markercount = _markercount + 1;[/b]
} forEach Allunits; 

sleep 10;

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