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Keeping vehicles?

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I started the Resistance campaign again, and decided to rat my friends out at first, since I didn't do that the first time around. Now, I stole a Tractor, then a sports car and drove to the rebel camp.

Now, having parked next to teh fire I thought the car would be available later, for kicks(just wait till I find a tractor), but it was gone.

How do I get a nice collection going?

Oh yeah, and f I load up, say the barrels behind Vic's house with weaponry, can I go by in a later mission and collect?

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I don't think you can keep transport vehicles between missions. In some missions capturing tanks makes them available for use later on but as i understand it thats all.

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I think Pearce it right, on one mission I collected a whole bunch of enemy vehicles, about 4 tanks and 2 bmps, more than my men could drive, so I had to make multiple trips back to base to collect them. Next mission, I only had 2 or 3 of them, so it seems to be set in the mission which ones you could possibly keep or start with.

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You will find other vehicles and weapons throughout the campaign anyway, so don´t bother. I wasted way too much time collecting weapons and ammo never to be used..

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No, dont bother collecting them. You dont even need to return them to the base. i think leaving them empty is enough. And this only works with tanks anyway!

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Its really pretty pointless collecting weapons I mean when u get to the resistance camp the Resistance have 17 AK47s enough to supply all ur people with easily, and enough ammo to last to the end of the game (I always used AK47s and never picked up any ammo) AIs are almost exactly the same with all guns so progressivly getting better weapons doesent really work. The only real aspect was picking up all the RPG launchers and rockets after a battle which just got tedious ordering everyone to pick em up with the action menu. Then the yanks supply you with loads of stuff anyway just incase you were idiot enough to lose ALL ur AKs. The only real aspect is picking up AT weapons. Picking up sniper rifles. And I guess though I dont like em much, picking up Grenade launcher guns although if I come across one I norm take an AK74+Nades as I prefer the AK to M16 and even though I dont use the grenades at least its got the capability while being the same as an AK74 eh? so where do I lose? Also saving men was mostly pointless although I didnt lose many (8) As most of the time I did the mission purely by snipng everyone with my dragunov and then taking out the remaining BMPs with rockets, leaving my AIs safe in the woods, just in case. Oh well it was a nice idea, and Im not discounting it totally it kinda worked just mostly pointless

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Yeah tounge.gif I did that too! Me and my Dragunov. I first shot the officers so the enemy couldnt spot me from a distance. And my figthers were good (formation line) but I dont want to loose points! They become extremely efficient with PK though. Or if you tell them to hold fire and shoot once the enemy approached nearer than 80 metres! smile.gif

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In the resistance campaign I captured a tank this way. Early. It was badly damaged, but repairable with a repair truck. The crew inside were simply killed before the tank was destroyed.

I didn't have a repair truck at the time, but driving it back to the extraction site (it wasn't too badly damaged, only I wouldn't take it into a fight with enemy armor) I ended the mission while inside it. And I still lost it at the start of the next mission.

Also, the mission where you grab some tanks and get outta there, I left a tank to grab the repair trucks. I didn't get to keep them... Taking the tank instead would have provided my with one extra.

My guess is that there are some vehicles defined in the mission, that will on mission end "savevar" a variable. That variable will automatically be loaded in the next mission, and a check on it sits in the field "condition for existence" or whatever it was called.

I'll ask BIS to add a "vehicle pool" much like for weapons, instead of the current rather pathetic workaround. (Workaround is all it is, after all)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Greg @ Aug. 20 2002,11:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think Pearce it right, on one mission I collected a whole bunch of enemy vehicles, about 4 tanks and 2 bmps, more than my men could drive, so I had to make multiple trips back to base to collect them.  Next mission, I only had 2 or 3 of them, so it seems to be set in the mission which ones you could possibly keep or start with.<span id='postcolor'>

Maybe you need crew in them to keep them? In addition to the restrictions I placed above?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CanVagabond @ Aug. 20 2002,10:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh yeah, and f I load up, say the barrels behind Vic's house with weaponry, can I go by in a later mission and collect?<span id='postcolor'>

The missions are more separate than that, I'm afraid. I believe the "weapons pool" is the only way to keep weapons between missions... besides what you carry.

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"Oh I can pick that open easy!"

WELL DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!! YOU STUPID MINDLESS HALFING, man I prefered a party system and I prefered direct control, by saying this Ive probably doomed this thread to off topid but oh well.

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Yea, on the map were you had to destroy some helicopters at the airport I stoll the v80 from the hangar and I didnt get to keep it at the end of the mission, I even landed the chopper at the ending area right in front of thoes people. sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Aug. 22 2002,07:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This is not Neverwinter Nights!  tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I know that but I'd like to keep the vehicles and have some more fun with tha game.

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I agree to 100% that a vehicle-pool would be appropiate. After all, why not? If you can pick up weapons, why not drive away with a capured tank etc?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (You_looking_at_me? @ Aug. 20 2002,15:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">WELL DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!! YOU STUPID MINDLESS HALFING,<span id='postcolor'>

I know the feeling...

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There's a simple explanation of why you don't keep every vehicle you steal. Your resistance team is not the only one operating on the island, some of the vehicles you stole may be off on different missions being used by another team or something. Geronimo may be leading a skirmish tank assault somewhere and you gave him a couple of the tanks you stole on that last mission etc... wink.gif

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I'm not talking tanks. I"m talking just for fun style here. I'd like to use a really obvious bad idea yellow sports car or a tractor, for fun, in the game. I don't mean making my own mission(though that can be done) and I"m not nit picking. I just thought it'd be a fun idea to have in the game.

Especially if you manage to nail a tank nice and early.

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I'm not talking tanks. I"m talking just for fun style here. I'd like to use a really obvious bad idea yellow sports car or a tractor, for fun, in the game. I don't mean making my own mission(though that can be done) and I"m not nit picking. I just thought it'd be a fun idea to have in the game.

Especially if you manage to nail a tank nice and early.

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I don't think that a vehicle pool would be a good idea. It would totally destroy the game ballance (if there is one, see the occupation mission  wink.gif  )

If you have 4 T80s in a mission against some enemy BMPs and infantry that is not very funny to play.

If it works correct, the current use of a vehicle pool is not bad. If you capture some T80s in a mission you will have better tanks in the next tank mission. If you do not capture the T80s you will have some lousy crap like a rusty T55.

So for me that's a good solution.

Someone mentioned a role play like inventory. That is definitly a GOOD idea! Simply drag and drop weapons to a truck or a team mate, if you are close enough to it/him(/her) (by the way: why are there no female soldiers  tounge.gif ?)

And finally some words to BIS:

Please don't forget to make some useful manual in further OFP versions (I hope there will be more  smile.gif ).

Explaining such an important feature like a weapon pool in a few sentence in a DVD cover booklet is not enough.

More details please!

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Actually, it only take a little more game balance to check the vehicle pool. You could also make the game longer (rather than the bang bang bang boom....done that is OpFlash) but not boring.

How to check the vehicles?

For the infantry style game that I love OpFlash for, make carriers availiable. By that I mean Hummers, stealing UAZs, cars and what not. If you are worried about tanks, keep repair vehicles off limits until you want them to be used. No one would want to take a beat up T80 into battle, but we would save it for later. By then, it's a tank battle which isn't that much fun anyways.

If you are worried about Game Balance as in "Oh no, he got such and such too early, the game will be too easy", then you need to do a little more work to keep it balanced. But if you think about it, th player went out of his or her way to GET that vehicle intanct to use, and have fun with (This is indeed a game for fun) then allow them the satisfaction of having an easier time than without.

Besides, my idea revolves around transport, not assault vehicles. That's one thing I don't like too much, not enough travelling to mission sites like in the beginning of 1985.

Oh, and we need a vehicle created to hold only equipment, and lots of it. Just one.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CanVagabond @ Aug. 24 2002,04:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Actually, it only take a little more game balance to check the vehicle pool. You could also make the game longer (rather than the bang bang bang boom....done that is OpFlash) but not boring.<span id='postcolor'>

If you only collect transport verhicles that would be no problem. But I can not see any OFPR  mission where you would need one and have none  smile.gif

The missions where you must take long ways to your target you have a car or truck.

But in general for me it seems to be very difficult to design (good) missions where you must be aware of any possible starting equipment (tanks, helis, etc.) of the player.

It is a small level between total game freedom and fixed missions.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (TheBrain @ Aug. 25 2002,11:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If you only collect transport verhicles that would be no problem. But I can not see any OFPR  mission where you would need one and have none  smile.gif

But in general for me it seems to be very difficult to design (good) missions where you must be aware of any possible starting equipment (tanks, helis, etc.) of the player.

It is a small level between total game freedom and fixed missions.<span id='postcolor'>

1. The point of this thread was to see if I could get the vehicles I want such as a car or whatever by CHANCE, or as much as it would seem. Simply placing a vehicles in a neutral town or even in a town you assault, such as a car that you could keep would be interesting, but I"ve already gone through that, twice.

2. You don't need to be aware of starting units you can grab, since most are by fluke as it is, such as an earlier post about getting a T80.

There is game freedom in fixed missions, or haven't you noticed?

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