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[SPOILERS] "Win" beginning

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Hi there,

I would like to have from you just a quick explanation of the Kerry's situation at the very beginning of the Win campaign and some other things...

1)Why the americans treats him so bad ? The gen.Armstrong says he should go to court martial/ clean the lavatories and in the first patrol mission is called a junk. He is a survivor of Aegis men after all.

2)Furthermore I don't understand why NATO waited more than a month (from 7th of july to 8th of august) to check what happened to task force Aegis, or better to say they didn't care too much of investigate the situation after the attack of july.Maybe they thought they were all dead ?


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1) Probably because they think Kerry could be involved with CSAT or the AAF. But it's only Crossroads that doesn't like him in the beginning, NATO command wants Kerry on the battlefield

2) Miller delayed the invasion

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Hi there,

I would like to have from you just a quick explanation of the Kerry's situation at the very beginning of the Win campaign and some other things...

1)Why the americans treats him so bad ? The gen.Armstrong says he should go to court martial/ clean the lavatories and in the first patrol mission is called a junk. He is a survivor of Aegis men after all.

2)Furthermore I don't understand why NATO waited more than a month (from 7th of july to 8th of august) to check what happened to task force Aegis, or better to say they didn't care too much of investigate the situation after the attack of july.Maybe they thought they were all dead ?


My game crashes at the end of the beyond recognition phase 2 when I board the helicopter it says "to be continued...." then nothing the game doesnt crash but doesnt seem to do anything else. My phase 3 "win" is locked, ive given up trying to solve the problem as Bohemia thinks we are all children by locking the save game and I dont want to replay beyond recognition again for the 15th time trying to fix this bug or at least scout it. Can anyone tell me what happens to the game after "to be continued..." is displayed?

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