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Kevin Maximo

Via amd and a 4600 geforce card

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Ok, just thought I would post this and it's been posted before. I have

Windows XP Pro

Geforce 4 4600

KT7-RAID Motherboard

Sound Blaster Live Platinum 5.1

When trying to play 3D Games my system would lock up and there was no way out except to hit the power or reset button. Ctrl, Alt, Delete didn't even work. Had to shut down and reboot period... The sound would stick and repeat forever unless I rebooted, keyboard would be locked up and the system was locked up but no drive activity.


I have the latest drivers for everything mentioned above and 4 and 1 drivers. I went into my bios and for those with an AMD and an ABIT board, I set my bios to the Optimum settings defaults then changed a few things, pretty much enabling everything. The key was to change the AGP Driver Strength setting (Manual instead of Auto) I then changed to EA but when in games, streaks kept shooting across the screen and triangles and blocks kept popping up and it was strange but did not lock at all. I then set the setting to FF which is the highest possible setting and disabled the AGP Write items, I think two of these exist in bios. Keeping the AGP at 64M and Supported. I then in Windows changed everything to the highest possible settings 4xS(Direct 3D only) and for OpenGL set to 8X. When in the game every thing is awesome and flicker free and smooth and no slow downs or lock ups at all. So all I can say is the key is AGP DRIVER STRENGTH for anyone with any AGP, VIA, AMD problem motherboards... Play with different hex settings but FF works awesome for me in all 3D Games... Good Luck.

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Ive got what you have.

Just a 128 meg ddr gf4 ti4600, a soltek motherboard and a terratec soundcard. No problems here.

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