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AI not sprinting anymore

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Hey guys,

Ever since the last patch I can not get AI (without any gear) to sprint anymore. I am using an .FSM and for some reason - the AI stopped sprinting, they just slowly jog at the players now...

Here is what I have tried:

_index = currentWaypoint (group _zed);
deleteWaypoint [(group _zed), _index];
_waypoint0 = (group _zed) addwaypoint[getPos _Point,0];
_waypoint0 setwaypointtype "MOVE";
_waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_waypoint0 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";


_zed setCombatMode "BLUE";
_zed setBehaviour "CARELESS";
_zed setUnitPos "UP";
_zed doMove (getPos _Point);
_zed setSpeedMode "FULL";

Both times they just slowly jog at the player instead of using their full run animation.

Does anyone have any clues? This started happening last patch.

I also define this early in the FSM

//Z Behavior Init we setup zombie behavior here.
_zed = _this select 0;
_Migration = _this select 1;
if (isNil ("_Migration")) then {_Migration = "NO";};
removeallWeapons _zed;
removeAllItems _zed;
removeBackpack _zed;
_zedGroup = group _zed;
_KeepRunning = 1;
_StartRunning = 0;
_SpawnExtras = 0;
_Size = 5;
_AddMore = 0;
_Reset = 1;
_CountAngry = 0;
_zed setVariable["InHouse",0,false];
_zed setVariable["HouseSetting",0,false];
_zed setVariable["VCOM_FakeDead",0,false];
_zed setVariable["CurrentlyAttacking",0,false];
_zed setVariable["CurrentlyMigrating",1,false];
_zed setVariable["ZedMigration",0,false];
_zed setVariable["Aggroed",0,false];
_zed setVariable["NOSPAWN",0,false];
_zed setVariable["HORDESIZE",11,false];
_zed addRating -1000000;
_zed disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
_zed disableAI "TARGET";
_zed disableAI "FSM";
_zed forceSpeed 20;
_zed addEventHandler ["Killed",{_this call VCOM_ZedDying;}];
_zed addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_this call VCOM_ZedHit; 0}];
_zed addEventHandler ["Hit",{_this call VCOM_fnc_KnockDown;}];
_zed allowfleeing 0;
_zed setCombatMode "BLUE";
_zed setSpeedMode "FULL";
_zed setSkill 0;
_zed setBehaviour "CARELESS";
_zed setUnitPos "UP";
_t = time;
_zed setDir random 360;
_zed enableFatigue false;
[_zed] spawn TalkingZeds;
[_zed] spawn VCOM_NoMove;

Thank you for your help.

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