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Multiple installation - will this work?

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I know that I can install resistance over any version of OFP, but if I want to keep the two completely separate on my PC, then can I do the following?

I have OFP 1.46 installed. Can I make a copy of it to a new folder, and then install Resistance on top of the copy?

This should effectively leave me with one install of OFP and another of Resistance. Will this work?


PS: I would assume this should work if OFP and RES do not depend on registry entries.

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You don't need to do that -- when you install Resistance, the OFP executable and data files remain untouched.

They peacefully co-exist, and you can continue to run the non-Resistance game and dedicated server if you wish to / have to.

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Okay, I had previously followed the recommended route.

It left me with two preference icons and it seemed that I could no longer adjust the preferences for the two separate executables independently.

Is that the way its supposed to be?


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You are correct, you will not be able to configure the two executables independently, since they share the same Flashpoint.cfg file.

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