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Targeting not working in every single vehicle

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Okay, I'm not sure why haven't I thought to ask about this earlier. I've been playing ARMA3 for a year and in all that time I have never, ever had targeting work in any vehicle, be it a jet, an attack helicopter or another launcher-equipped vehicle. In the whole game, one single entity that does actually lock things for me is a Titan launcher. So, yes: I have no idea how to complete an attack helicopter and fixed wing showcase, I have absolutely no idea how to put MQ4A drone AG missiles to use in the Win campaign, and I can't leverage the vehicles like those in any other scenario. All I can do is use those vehicles for WW2-style diving runs, wasting their fancy homing missiles in the process.

What the hell? I am absolutely sure you could loop through the targets back in ARMA2 using the Tab key, or use (insanely inconvenient and infuriating, but nonetheless working) the right mouse button while looking at an object to target it. Both options are seemingly absent from ARMA3. How are all of you using all those vehicles and weapons, then?

I'm not using mods, and the issue is reproduced both in the latest devbuild and in the latest stable build (as with all builds over the last year or so). As far as I see, all Tab key does now is toggle drone video feed. Okay, checking the options: there are three seemingly relevant controls there, "Next target", "Next target (in vehicle)" and "Reveal target". Interestingly enough, the first one has no key assigned to it by default (???). So, I assigned keys to all of them and tried to use them in the aforementioned MQ4A scenario during the Win campaign. Nope, no luck, the enemy armor on the ground is not locked no matter which of those three controls I'm using, no matter whether I'm in a HUD or a third-person view and no matter whether I'm locking precisely at a target. Same deal with attack helicopters, OPFOR fixed wing aircraft and everything else. Can someone point me to what am I missing here?

Edited by bac9

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I'm not an avid flier or bomber but I use 'Reveal target' button. Might not be the best option tho.

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I'm not an avid flier or bomber but I use 'Reveal target' button. Might not be the best option tho.

It's not doing anything for me, unfortunately.

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The default key for targeting should be 'T'. Works for me.

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