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??Reinforcements If Building Still Stands??

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I am trying to set an OPFOR heli with a rifle squad to fly to a location and drop off the squad if BLUFOR are detected and the location's communication tower is still standing. If the communication tower is destroyed, then if BLUFOR are detected, I do not want the OPFOR heli to come.

So far, below is what I have and can't get it to work.

Riflesquad is set to be in the heli cargo with

opfor1 = group this; {_x moveInCargo opheli} foreach units group this;

At the base(Kamio Firing Range), I have a trigger down for testing set to BLUFOR activation once present with a condition of

((getDammage (position logic1 nearestObject 29623)) == 0)

being 29623 is the comms tower's ID and that trigger is synced to a game logic named logic1.

I have this trigger synced to the first waypoint for the heli which is right at the heli itself.

When I test it, the heli shows up even when no blufor are present inside the trigger and the comms tower is still standing.

btw, I usually use

((getDammage (position logic1 nearestObject xxxxxx)) == 1)

synced to a game logic in a trigger for destroying a building.

Does anyone know how to set all this up so the helicopter only shows up if blufor are detected and the comms tower is standing? and not show up if the comms tower is destroyed.

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your trigger with

((getDammage (position logic1 nearestObject 29623)) == 0)

needs to be

this && ((getDammage (position logic1 nearestObject 29623)) == 0)

for the settings above it (BLUFOR PRESENT, etc) to be applied. Right now, what you have is returning true at the start of the game, so its activated immediately.

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thanks Fight9, works perfect now.

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