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avibird 1

Construction Interface (CoIn) not working after FOB gets respawns!

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I am working on a combat support script and only two human commanders have the ability to build various FOB's during the mission however if the FOB gets destroyed or the commander orders the base to move to a new location the coin menu does not work or come up again for the commanders to use. How do I add the coin menu back to allow the players to use it at the FOB's ne location.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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I found this old post

the link to solution is - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73769&page=5

But how to make COIN working after death/respawn?

Tried deleting everything by script and reInitializing COIN... hadn't helped :(

Please help!

This is almost my issues! When my FOB's moves ie SQF and gets respawn in a new location the Coin menu is not coming up to allow the player to use it again! Any help would be great.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Been looking for one week now and not a lot of information on this. Does anyone have a clue how to get the coin interface reinitializing again when the object that it was first link to at the start is moved and respawned at a new location!

---------- Post added at 04:09 ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 ----------

Issue resolved (: thanks to McArcher and ArmAIIholic direction from the few old posts about this issue. If anyone wants to know I will post but I am tired after a week trying to get this to work My two main issues with my dynamic base building script/mission resolved time to play a little arma2 and move on to the next few issues lol.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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