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AH-99's cannon is bugged for a long time including sound and semiauto fire for ground

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AH-99's cannon is bugged for a long time including sound and semiauto fire for ground heavy targets

First, the sound of cannon. when you are pilot and you order your crew to shoot enemie's flight vehicles/ ground soft targets including men and light car/APC/IFV, in the cockpit you can hear the frequence of the fire sound is not match the frequence of fire shooting. However, outside the cockpit you can hear the frequence of sound is equal to the frequence of fire shooting, but the first sound is so loud. If you are weapon crew or you use manual fire, when you fire the cannon, the sound is normal no matter inside or outside.

Second, when order the crew to shoot the ground heavy targets by cannon, like tank/artillary, no matter how far or how close the target is, the crew can only use semi-auto mode to fire, and this time it is not a sound problem, because every fire you can see there is one light one bullet and one sound outside, even when the target is a tank.

The other way to find the unmatch of sound and fire is to watch the change of bullet count from your Helmet Mounted Sight

this issue has occured since the beta.


And there is another bug: when the crew is dead his head won't get low, keeping the same posture.

I wonder if your dev have a plan to add rag doll into the crews? If no please make a dead posture for the dead crew.

Edited by msy

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