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looking for a working JIP script or some way to help JIPs. Any takers?

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I have one now and I think its broken. We are using this for JIP and it has been modified some. Does this look correct? Its not working on our DS.



if (!isServer && isNull player) then //JIP player


waitUntil {!isNull player};

[] execVM "initTeleportToSL.sqf";



if (!isServer) then {

sleep 10;

if (time > (2*10)) then {execVM "initTeleportToSL.sqf";};// Teleport avaible after 2 minutes




Move player 3m behind his group leader or into leader's vehicle

By Megagoth1702, thanks to Sandiford and Cheesenoggin, slightly modified by ZZEZ


private ["_leader","_LX","_LY","_LZ"];

//setting up basic variables

_leader = leader player;

//If leader's vehicle is the leader himself, move player 3m behind him

if (vehicle _leader == _leader) then


//Getting the coords

_LX = (getpos _leader select 0) +

(3*sin ((getDir _leader) -180));

_LY = (getpos _leader select 1) +

(3*cos ((getDir _leader) -180));

_LZ = (getpos _leader select 2);

player setpos [_LX,_LY,_LZ];

player removeAction movetoSL;


//If leader is inside vehicle, move player into vehicle cargo



/*Checking if there is room in the vehicle, gives hint if there is none

if there is room, player is moved into cargo of leader's vehicle


if ((vehicle _leader) emptyPositions "cargo"==0) then

{hint "No room in squad leader's vehicle."}



player moveincargo vehicle _leader;

player removeAction movetoSL;




sleep 5;

movetoSL = player addAction ["Teleport To SL", "TeleportToSL.sqf"];

sleep 10;

hintSilent "Use your scroll wheel to teleport to your squad leader";

sleep 180;//3min

player removeAction movetoSL;

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 18:36 ----------

updated post.

Edited by JAndrews1

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This one is pretty good, http://forums.unitedoperations.net/index.php/topic/10467-jip-teleport-script/

But can only TP to SL so if the SL uses it they just TP to themselves.

Edit, i see you are using the one i linked >.< egg on face. It works perfect for me in MP just i call it via a map object no mission init

Edited by PenguinInATuxedo

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"It works perfect for me in MP just i call it via a map object no mission init"

How do you do that?

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I just add an addaction to the object init field calling the TeleportToSL.sqf file. If you don't know how to do an addaction then you should look it up on the BIS wiki, normally I would just link you the line I am using but I'm typing this on my tablet in bed.

Off the top of my head though should look like this

this addaction ["Teleport To SL", "TeleportToSL.sqf"];

The first set of " " is where the text that will be displayed when you scroll wheel goes the second set of " " is where you put the path to the .sqf file you want to call. You can get very fancy with it and add colors and change font (I think) but you don't need that yet.

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