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helicopter insertion and extration

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first of all like to apologize for being posting this but could not find anything because there are many threads.

then is the following: I am having trouble doing a mission where I enter the helicopter, I am led to the insertion point, the helicopter back to base without me, lands and stops the engine (for fuel economy) and then back to the extraction. But , when he returns to the base I can not make it back to the extraction point with a trigger, the engines do not turn on. has some way??

what am I doing wrong??

P.S. sorry for the bad english :o

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try the engine on script or whatever you want to call it.

This EngineOn "True";

This EngineOn "False";

obviously you can change the this to whatever the name of the helo is etc.

Good luck with you mission!


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Just put an "H Invisible" for the chopper to land on. Give it a GET OUT waypoint on the H. Then a move waypoint in front of the H. Then a Hold waypoint right next to that. Then put a GET IN waypoint on the "H" then move waypoints back to extraction. Synch the HOLD waypoint with a trigger. Set trigger to Radio Alpha or whichever one is free. Set trigger type to "switch". put something like "Call Extraction Chopper" in "Text" box.

In the mission, the pilot will land, turn off the engine, get out and wait at the HOLD waypoint until you call for extraction. When its time for extraction, call for it and the pilot will get in the chopper and come pick you up. The pickup is where it gets tricky.

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