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Geo LOD And FIRE LOD Problem !!

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Guys I have a problem with my GEO LOD and Fire LOD In Oxygen 2 I have done many things that other people have told me to do but it doesn't work I mean some of the components are working but others not. I have not textured the model yet but I don't think thats the problem... Here are some pics in Oxygen and in-game




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Fire geo lod can be more complex than the geo lod. From what i can see, it should ok for the fire geo lod, but it's too complex for the geo lod (which basically must be built ONLY with very simple shapes), then a mass must be set for each component in the geo lod.

Look here : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/brsseb/tutorials/lesson8/lesson8_h.htm

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So i should basically make the geo lod with simpler objects? And the fire LoD only works on some of the walls not all of them

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Exact, mainly cubes. It's a matter of hit and miss, but read that tutorial. The shapes must be convex only.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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I have read that tutorial already, And will the fire LOD not work without the GEO LOD?

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AN if i make a block that covers the windows in the GEO LOD will I be able to shoot through them in the FIRE LOD ?

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  NatanBrody said:
AN if i make a block that covers the windows in the GEO LOD will I be able to shoot through them in the FIRE LOD ?

Well, i must say that i never tried this (I always made holes for windows in the geo lod and the fire lod), but i suppose the bullet will pass through, but that a soldier will not be able to come close to the window to shoot through it.

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Oh well that kind of sucks

what would possibly be the max poly count for the GEO LOD?

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 ----------

I can't seem to get it working it seems every door with a window or door doesn't work and you can shoot and walk straight through it!!

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If you can walk through a part :

(1) The component isn't correctly named or

(2) The mass isn't set for the component or

(3) The shape is too complex (non convex parts for examples) or

(4) The components of the geo lod aren't big enough (they are too thin, they must be bigger than 15 cm at least)

Honeslty i don't see a big change between now and the previous pictures !

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I made some walls before that were like 1cm thick and the geo LOD worked with them so i don't know why it doesn't work now I may just make the GEO lod from scratch

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I have found out that GEO LODS can only be made using 4 point polys not 3 points so that was the issue :D

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Just a note. If you close in the window in the geolod you will not be able to toss grenades into the building though those windows. You can shoot through it, depending of course on what you do with the fire Lod, but no grenades will pass through.

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Do the walls have depth? It's hard to tell from that picture. Also while the steps u can model like that for the fire lod because u can get more detailed there you really don't need it for the Geolod. Remember the geolod is only to keep you from walking through where you shouldn't.

Now just add weight and you should be good!

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