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[QuickQuestion] Something about BIS_fnc_UnitCapture

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Does Unit capture 'capture' any usage of weapon? (Such as firing a missile)

Or does it simply track target's movement only. :confused:

Edited by Vegatry

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It's in the parameters


Unit - Unit to capture movement data from

Duration - Duration to capture for

OPT:FPS - OPTIONAL: Frames recorded Per Second (default 20). Limit is 1 - 100

OPT:Firing - OPTIONAL: If true, will record the input unit's weapon fire data as well

OPT:StartTime - OPTIONAL: Starting time offset for the frame time

Copies to clipboard:

Array in format [FrameTime, UnitPosition, UnitDirectionVector, UnitUpVector, UnitVelocity] for each frame

Input Examples:

a) [bIS_Vehicle, 50, 30, true, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture;

Which would capture data from a unit named BIS_Vehicle, would capture for 50 seconds, would capture at 30 FPS,

and would also record the unit's weapon fire data as well. Frame time offset would be 10 seconds.

b) [bIS_Vehicle, 50] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture;

Which would capture data from a unit named BIS_Vehicle, and would capture for 50 seconds.

Output Example:

a) [[0,[8208.26,1953.13,296.04],[0,1,0],[0.000174453,0,1],[0,0,0]],[1.021,[8208.26,1953.13,296.04],[0,1,0],[0.000174453,0,1],[0,0,0]]]

The above output has 2 frames.

b) [[0,[8208.26,1953.13,296.04],[0,1,0],[0.000174453,0,1],[0,0,0]]]

The above output has 1 frame.

Are you talking about a heli,vehicle or infantry?

It can capture firing but don't even bother if it's infantry, and it's a bit dodgy for vehicles.


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