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How to stop the never ending freefall

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Hello I am trying to make a mission that requires objects to be above buildings

the problem I have is that when I place a unit on top of said object the unit starts free falling and never stops making the mission impossible to create. This problem did not occur sometime during the beta because the units would either start on top without free falling or free fall and then stop once they hit the object. was there some kind of a change in the physics engine or is there something I am missing and can I fix the problem?

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It may be specific to that building, perhaps it is just at the perfect angle. The way I usually deal with this kind of placement (in/on a building in a place not included by the buildingPositiions function) is load the mission, run to wherever I want the unit to be, and use the debug console to copyToClipboard the return of a getPos of my character. I then go to the editor and in the subject character's init I setPos those coordinates (paste via Ctrl+V).

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Thing is I can't run on there because the object is unreachable unless there is a spawn so the getPos method won't work.

I tried almost every object Hescos, bunkers, scaffolding and etc. I remember it used to work with Hesco barriers and other objects sometime during the beta because you could make small islands above the water and have units spawn on top but now its not the same anymore

maybe there was a physics change or maybe its a glitch?

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never thought of that might actually work but there has to be an easier way to do this because I am trying to make a mission that takes place off the coast on a small island

I am not a very good at flying and landing on a small object will be tricky but I will try it

ll island mission

do you think this is more of an engine problem maybe am I posting in the wrong section

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Another thing you can do is while using the debug console click the Camera button to bring up the camera view and then hit Spacebar whereever you want your character to go, and it'll put it right there. Sorry, didn't even think of this.

About it being a problem with the game itself, you're correct in that this isn't the right forum section. However, I suggest you go to the community bug tracker and post up a repro mission if you think its a bug so that the devs can take a look.

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I have found this video invaluable.

I have also found that some places (like the bell tower of a church for example) don't have proper collision detection, so units don't act like they should when you place them there (like below).

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thanks fir the help grimes could you provide a link to where I should post this sorry I am a bit lost on these forums

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