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Set Identity problem

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I cannot get this to work for the life of me.

I put this in my description.ext

class CfgIdentities


class Ash_Williams


name = "Bruce Campbell";

face = "Face20";

glasses = "Delta_glasses";

speaker = "Dan";

pitch = 0.1;




this setIdentity "Ash_Williams";


give the unit a name like unit1 and then put unit1 setIdentity "Ash_Williams";

in the units init box.

It won't work.

Please help.

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The face is normally something like WhiteHead_06 with an underscore between the word and the number. Similarly for speaker would be like Male05ENG. I assume Dan must be one of the BIS identities that are in game. Try changing those two values to see if that works.

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class CfgIdentities


class Bob


name = "Bob";

face = "Kerry";

glasses = "None";

speaker = "Male03PER";

pitch = 0.1;



I've tried this, still no luck.

Do I have to put execVM "description.ext"; In my init.sqf ?

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It's always the stupidest smallest thing.

You have to LOAD the actual file in the editor, not just save it. I was editing the description file and then alt-tabbing back in and just saving it. So my changes weren't taking place.

I was very tired at the time though.

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class CfgIdentities


class Bob


name = "Bob";

face = "Kerry";

glasses = "None";

speaker = "Male03PER";

pitch = 0.1;

}; ---------------------------------------<<<<<< instead of }; try } so


class CfgIdentities


class Bob


name = "Bob";

face = "Kerry";

glasses = "None";

speaker = "Male03PER";

pitch = 0.1;



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