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IR strobes

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I viewed Shack's Guide on Airborne Assault. In it he mentioned IR strobes to mark the LZ at night. I wanted to know where can I get these IR strobes if I'm playing a mission with the VAS?

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ok. I thought there were two types of IR grenades (one type for OPFOR and one for BLUFOR). How would I know the difference?

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I viewed Shack's Guide on Airborne Assault. In it he mentioned IR strobes to mark the LZ at night. I wanted to know where can I get these IR strobes if I'm playing a mission with the VAS?

Reminds me of Black Hawk Down.

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They're not just good for marking the LZ at night. Certain missiles can lock onto the IR nades and hit with precision. The MI-48s scalpel missiles, DAGRs on the Blackfoot, and the jets missiles can all lock onto those grenades. Very handy!

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