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Need Help: Headless Client

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Hello Arma World!

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue; specifically when using the Headless Client. Whenever the HC + Server is running with no players, the first person to join causes the HC to be killed. Anyone have any experience with this and offer some guidance on a solution?

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Wouldnt a

this allowDamage false;

line, in the HC's init field prevent it from dying?

I always use this and ive never run into this issue, and i even use the autoslotting aswell. :)

As long as the HC is there at mission start and in its slot, ive never ever seen it being killed before, using that line of code.

Are you placing your HC as a regular player btw?

I always use a rabbit, simply because nobody will go into that slot, by they're own free will and you can pretty much make the HC, what ever you want :)

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Respawn combo, eg type of respawn set and disableAI in the description.ext

For example, if respawn is enabled but not of a certain type (eg group instead of base, although not sure which combo actually causes it) you can have an issue where a player disconnects, the unit he was playing dies and the playable slot the unit is there for disappears from the unit selection screen.

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