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3rd Person Vehicle 1st Person Infantry LOCK (working, kinda)

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Greetings! This is my first foray into the scripting forums, I hope you guys can help me! So thanks to Bl!P's guidance I implemented my first script into BECTI. The code BL!P gave me DOES work, if you're infantry it forces you to go back to 3rd person view, if you're in a vehicle you can switch around no problem. The only issue I'm having is that as soon as the player runs he can go into 3rd person w/no problems, as soon as you slow down though it goes back to first person view.

Can anyone with some expereince look at the code and figure out why it's doing this? It would be very much appreciated! Thanks guys.

   gameplayLimit3dview = 1;

   if (difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView") then
                   switch (gameplayLimit3dview) do
           case 1://vehicles only
                           while {(true)} do
                                   if (cameraView == "External") then
                                           if ((vehicle player) == player) then
                                           player switchCamera "Internal";
                                   sleep 0.1;
           case 2://infantry only
                           while {(true)} do
                                   if (cameraView == "External") then
                                           if ((vehicle player) != player) then
                                           (vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";
                                   sleep 0.1;
           case 3://disabled
                           while {(true)} do
                                   if (cameraView == "External") then
                                           if ((vehicle player) == cameraOn) then
                                           (vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal";
                                   sleep 0.1;

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