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Kill script won't activate

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I am trying to make a simple kill script that will only kill ground units and not aircraft through triggers. I have two triggers. One for Independent faction and the other for Opfor. This trigger is meant to be a base protector so that enemy units won't spawn in my base for MSO.

This the trigger...

Activation: Opfor/Independent , Repeatedly




this; round (time %1) == 1 && object isKindOf "Land";


{_x setDamage 1} foreach thisList; {deletevehicle _x} foreach thisList;

That's all I have so far.

My trigger works when my Condition is

this; round (time %1) == 1;

It works but aircraft get killed.

Please I need help. I have been trying to figure this out for the last 5 hours. I have rummaged through the internet for something similar to this but I have not found anything. Please help is much appreciated.

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("LandVehicle" countType thislist  > 0) && ((getpos (thislist select 0)) select 2 < 1)

- select 2 < 1 , 1 is altitude .means count anything is under 1 meter altitude .

- Just set trigger Repeatedly, no need to run any other code in condition to repeat it

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