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Requesting a smple "teleport to team lead" script

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I would like to have, at base, a map board object with an action "teleport to fireteam leader" or whatever option that zaps the player back to their team.

I am building a template in which to use MCC and mid-mission I don't want to be moving players around using MCC - would be better if they could do it themselves!

Now, I am newby and would prefer to just integrate someone else's work into my various mission configs (and the map board's init in the editor), however my Google fu has failed me on this task.

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If you are using MCC just pres Alt+T and it will teleport you to the team leader.

Please ask questions regarding MCC in the MCC thread.

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Ahh! Shay! You saved me! ...I thought maybe MCC had this feature but I wasn't sure and I couldn't spot any guidance on the alt+t feature (and I have read the PDF twice!).


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