code34 248 Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) Object Oriented GRIDLastest version : 0.4 by Code34 Download from : Dropbox Download from: Armaholic Like to Donate ? Donate with paypal Github: GRID is a class (object oriented) grid that permits to manage a virtual strategic GRID of sectors on map. This object will permit to handle some events depending of objects/players position, create some virtual life & scenari, etc. This object uses Object Oriented SQF scripting of Naught and doesn't require to use addon.Features: Translation Position to Grid positionLicence:Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original authorDocumentation: Author: code34 [email protected] Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_GRID STRATEGIC GRID This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _grid = ["new", [xgrid,ygrid,xgridsize,ygridsize,xsectorsize,ysectorsize]] call OO_GRID; Create a new grid object Parameters: xgrid - x grid pos - scalar ygrid - y grid pos - scalar xgridsize - grid width - scalar ygridsize - grid height - scalar xsectorsize - sector width - scalar ysectorsize - sector height - scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setXgrid", _scalar] call _grid; Set xgrid value Parameters : _scalar : scalar x grid pos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setYgrid", _scalar] call _grid; Set xgrid value Parameters : _scalar : scalar y grid pos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setXgridsize", _scalar] call _grid; Set xgridsize value Parameters : _scalar : scalar grid width -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setYgridsize", _scalar] call _grid; Set ygridsize value Parameters : _scalar : scalar grid height -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setXsectorsize", _scalar] call _grid; Set sector width Parameters : _scalar : scalar sector width -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setYsectorsize", _scalar] call _grid; Set sector height Parameters : _scalar : scalar sector height -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getXgrid" call _grid; Get xgrid value Parameters : nothing Return: scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getYgrid" call _grid; Get ygrid value Parameters : nothing Return: scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getXgridsize" call _grid; Get xgridsize value Parameters : nothing Return : scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getYgridsize" call _grid; Get ygridsize value Parameters : nothing Return : scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getXsectorsize" call _grid; Get sector width Parameters = nothing Return : scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getYsectorsize" call _grid; Get sector height Parameters : nothing Return : scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["parseAllSectors", string] call _grid; Parse all sectors of grid with a function call that returns true or false Parameters: string - function name (functin must return true or false) Return : array of sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["parseSectors", string] call _grid; Parse sectors of grid with a function call that returns true or false Parameters: array - array of sectors string - function name (functin must return true or false) Return : array of sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _sector = ["getSectorFromPos", _position] call _grid; Translate a position to a sector Parameters: array - position array Return : array - sector -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _position = ["getPosFromSector", _position] call _grid; Translate a sector to position Parameters: array - sector array Return : array position -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _sector = ["getSectorCenterPos", _position] call _grid; Retrieve the center position of a sector, from a position Parameters: array - position Return : array position of the sector center -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["getSectorsAroundSector", _sector] call _grid; Get all sectors around one sector at 1 scale Parameters: array - array sector Return : array containing all sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["getSectorsAroundPos", _position] call _grid; Get all sectors around a position at 1 scale Parameters: array - array position Return : array containing all sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["getSectorsCrossAroundSector", _sector] call _grid; Get cross sectors around a sector Parameters: array - array sector Return : array containing all sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["getSectorsCrossAroundPos", _position] call _grid; Get cross sectors around a position Parameters: array - array position Return : array containing all sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["getAllSectorsAroundSector", _array] call _grid; Get all sectors around a sector at scale sector distance Parameters: array [_sector, _scale] _sector : array sector _scale : scalar (scale to extend) Return : array containing all sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["getAllSectorsAroundPos", _array] call _grid; Get all sectors around a sector at scale sector distance Parameters: array [_position, _scale] _position : array position _scale : scalar (scale to extend) Return : array containing all sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["hasBuildingsAtSector", _sector] call _grid; Check if sector has building Parameters: array sector Return : bool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["hasBuildingsAtPos", _position] call _grid; Check if position has buildings Parameters: array position Return : bool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["getPositionsBuilding", _position] call _grid; Return all the positions in the building at position Parameters: array position Return : array - array of buildings positions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["delete", _grid] call OO_GRID; Delete the grid object Parameters: _grid - OO GRID object Readme: /* Author: code34 [email protected] Copyright (C) 2014 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_GRID STRATEGIC GRID This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ Create a main bus message between clients & server Usage: put the "oo_grid.sqf" and the "oop.h" files in your mission directory put this code into your mission init.sqf call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_grid.sqf"; See example mission in directory: init.sqf Licence: You can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author logs: 0.4 - improve performance - add direct translation for around methods - fix around methods - fix constructor method, add origins positions for grid - refactory methods 0.3 - Delete useless functions 0.2 - Make arma not war contest 0.1 - OO GRID - first release ExamplesHint the sector pos of the player :) call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_grid.sqf"; _grid = ["new", [0,0,31000,31000,100,100]] call OO_GRID; sleep 2; hint format ["player sector %1", ["getSectorFromPos", position player] call _grid]; Edited January 17, 2016 by code34 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
code34 248 Posted October 29, 2014 hi guys , i just release the lastest 0.3 version of the grid object. This one includes the several functions uses by COMBAT ASSAULT mission and delete useless functions :) logs: 0.3 - Delete useless functions 0.2 - Make arma not war contest 0.1 - OO GRID - first release Major difference between 0.1 and 0.3 is Grid now focus on grid convertion, no more uses of index [x,y] translation instead :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
code34 248 Posted January 16, 2016 hi guys ! just release the version 0.4 of grid object. This version virtualize complety the grid over map, fix must of the old bugs, and delete useless functions. Change logs: - improve performance - add direct translation for around methods - fix around methods - fix constructor method, add origins positions for grid - refactory methods Download from Dropbox Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 17, 2016 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. OO GRID - oriented object Strategic GRID v0.4 ** Armaholic now supports authors with donation button/links. When you have any donation/support links please contact me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites