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Attachto interaction with PHYSx classes

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In Arma 2 I did some experiments with the LHD and attachto so the whole LHD could move and transport vehicles.

Unfortunately the limitations were so big that it wasn't worth to continue developing the addon.

Now that the MLODs of the LHD have been released I have converted it to Arma 3 and started doing some experiments

For the LHD pieces to interact with PHYSx enabled vehicles (such as vanilla helicopters or boats) a new LOD must be added to all models, be it the PHYSx or the PHYSx buoyancy LODs.

This allows us to reproduce Arma 2 static LHD be it as an object in a map or a mission created object, even an Editor placeable object.

I have it ingame and works perfectly, the same as it worked in Arma 2.

Now, in Arma 2 I configured one of the pieces as a ship and used Attachto to "glue" the rest of the "pieces" to the movable one. It worked very well but obviously things like friction and such didn't exist in Arma 2 so there were many limitations.

Now I have tried to do the same in Arma 3 (with the edited pieces with the added Geometry PHYSx LOD) and the results have been very dissapointing:

- Vanilla vehicles pass through the attached pieces and get damaged by doing that.

- Non PHYSx enabled vehicles (such as Arma imported vehicles) can interact with the LHD (it seems that they use for calculationg collisions the GEO LOD, not the GEO PHYSx LOD ).

- Vehicle must be configured as simulationclass shipx

I will be doing some more experiments but if I had success we could create multipieces vehicles such as JDOGs nimitz class aircraft carrier that could move and interact with other vehicles. We will see

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Good luck to you, I know anything relating to A3 ships is so frustrating. Its so very brutal to get even the simplest thing to work. Keep us posted!

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