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Sending reinforcements to position of detection

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I have a patrol, which is supposed to detect the presence of ennemy (with a trigger condition "detected by East").

Now I would like to send another group (reinforcements) when the detection trigger is activated, roughly to the place where ennemy has been detected by the patrol.

I've tried the "list trigger" command, but i must have misunderstood it, because it doesn't work at all.

However, there must be a way, because I remember missions where a tank would systematically come from far away & roll to me after soldiers had detected me, and park over the bush where I was hiding.

How do you do this???


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Put something like go=1 in the "On Activation" field of the trigger. Make two waypoints for the group of reinforcements, one should be right by where they are initally located, and the second should be where you want them to go. The in the "Condition field of the first waypoint, type go==1.

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This I have done first, and it works in the case when you know where the intrusion will be.

This is not the case (patrolling a border) and I therefore need to "get" dynamically the position of the ennemy detected (and therefore "get" the ID of the soldiers which are detected by the patrol), in order to pass that position as argument to the "domove" command for the reinforcement group, or to the "movewpt" command that would position the destination waypoint to the right place. And I don't know how to do this!

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Why bother doing that? If you put a guard waypoint, when you are spotted the unit comes to where you were spotted. (make sense? confused.gif )

tounge.gif PEACE

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Good point. I guess I tried other solutions because I don't understand the Guard waypoint well enough.

Does the "Guard" waypoint send its group on a seek & destroy when a "detected" trigger is activated?

If yes, which trigger is used (like the closest, or is there a linking system...)?

Or does it work with a detection radius around the waypoint (like any unit detected within 500m around the "guard" wpt sends the group to the detected unit...).

There has to be such a system, otherwise posting a group "on guard" on the south of the island would send it marching North across the entire island as soon as an ennemy would be detected in the North!

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Say you were making a Black-Ops mission, and had a BMP with a guard waypoint. If you sucked so bad as to be seen, then OFP automatically calculates all the units with Guard waypoints and see's which one can get there quick-est. The Closest unit, say, a BMP would then trundle of to were the player was last seen.

Pritty nifty, Aye? wow.gif

tounge.gif PEACE

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