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Altis Life - How to make Clothes save?

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I have tried editing the following files in the Altis Life core folder but unfortunately couldn't get clothes to save. I tried adding the item as an allowed item on both, but that didn't work so has anyone got any idea of how I can make additional clothes save?

Load Gear File:

File: fn_loadGear.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine

Used for loading cop saved gear loadout.
_loadout = cop_gear;
_allowedItems =
if(isNil "_loadout") exitWith {[] call life_fnc_copDefault;}; //Slot data doesn't exist
if(count _loadout == 0) exitWith {[] call life_fnc_copDefault;}; //Slot data doesn't exist
_primary = _loadout select 0;
_launcher = "";
_handgun = _loadout select 1;
_magazines = _loadout select 2;
_uniform = _loadout select 3;
_vest = _loadout select 4;
_backpack = _loadout select 5;
_items = _loadout select 6;
_primitems = _loadout select 7;
_secitems = _loadout select 8;
_handgunitems = _loadout select 9;
_uitems = _loadout select 10;
_vitems = _loadout select 11;
_bitems = _loadout select 12;

//This is to piss off cops :)
if(!(_primary in _allowedItems)) then {_primary = ""};
if(!(_handgun in _allowedItems)) then {_handgun = ""};

//Strip the unit down
RemoveAllWeapons player;
{player removeMagazine _x;} foreach (magazines player);
removeUniform player;
removeVest player;
removeBackpack player;
removeGoggles player;
removeHeadGear player;
player unassignItem _x;
player removeItem _x;
} foreach (assignedItems player);

//Add the gear
if(_uniform != "") then {_handle = [_uniform,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};};
if(_vest != "") then {_handle = [_vest,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};};
if(_backpack != "") then {_handle = [_backpack,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};};
_handle = [_x,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
} foreach _magazines;

if(_primary != "") then {[_primary,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;};
if(_launcher != "") then {[_launcher,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;};
if(_handgun != "") then {[_handgun,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem;};

{_handle = [_x,true,false,false,false] spawn life_fnc_handleItem; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};} foreach _items;
{[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_uitems);
{[_x,true,false,false,true] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_vitems);
{[_x,true,true,false,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_bitems);
{[_x,true,false,true,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_primitems);
{[_x,true,false,true,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_secitems);
{[_x,true,false,true,false] call life_fnc_handleItem;} foreach (_handgunitems);  

if(primaryWeapon player != "") then
player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player);

Save Gear File:

File: fn_saveGear.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine

Saves the player / cops gear in a formatted array.

//Pre-approved weapons / attachments
_allowedItems =

//Old format / code
_primary = primaryWeapon player;
_handgun = handGunWeapon player;
_magazines = [];
_uniform = uniform player;
_vest = vest player;
_backpack = backpack player;
_items = assignedItems player;
_primitems = primaryWeaponItems player;
_secitems = secondaryWeaponItems player;
_handgunitems = handGunItems player;
_uitems = [];
_vitems = [];
_bitems = [];

if(!(_primary in _allowedItems)) then {_primary = ""};
if(!(_handgun in _allowedItems)) then {_handgun = ""};
if(_uniform != "") then {{_uitems set[count _uitems,_x];} foreach (uniformItems player);};
if(_vest != "") then {{_vitems set[count _vitems,_x];} foreach (vestItems player);};
if(_backpack != "") then {{_bitems set[count _bitems,_x];} foreach (backPackItems player);};

if(goggles player != "") then { _items set[count _items, goggles player]; };
if(headgear player != "") then { _items set[count _items, headgear player]; };
if(count (primaryWeaponMagazine player) > 0) then
	_magazines set[count _magazines,_x];
} foreach (primaryWeaponMagazine player);

if(count (handgunMagazine player) > 0) then
	_magazines set[count _magazines,_x];
} foreach (handgunMagazine player);

//Hard code for Laser Desigantor batteries
_curWep = currentWeapon player;
if("Laserdesignator" in assignedItems player) then
player selectWeapon "Laserdesignator";
if(currentMagazine player != "") then {_magazines set[count _magazines,(currentMagazine player)];};

player selectWeapon _curWep;

cop_gear = [_primary,_handgun,_magazines,_uniform,_vest,_backpack,_items,_primitems,_secitems,_handgunitems,_uitems,_vitems,_bitems];

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Bump - it's only for cops, clothes save for civilians. There has to be someone here that know the fix to my problem :(

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