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masterclass video tutorial request please

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Hi guys, ive just gone through the adapt campaign and as im a basic mission maker ive just realised that my missions are just that, basic.

what im thinking is that maybe the whole mission making tutorial might need updating.

so what im asking for is if some very skilled person or group would like to start building tutorials based around the campaign?

The things I for one would love to be shown is all the ambience that's in there, how to make cut scenes, how to make some ai sit on chairs boxes or anything, how to place items on tables, how to "paint" custom graffiti onto buildings or road signs without them looking crap, how to have an audible story going on, how to get fast air do bombing runs in the background, how to make sure the enemy chopper loiter properly & drop off troops on triggers close to the player, how to place scene music, how to make alarms go off if a side is detected & how to get the alarm to turn off, how to place fog correctly so its only foggy within a local trigger? How to stop ai spotting things over like 300 metres away (when they call out targets over 1k away, it spoils the surprise for the player if he knows whats coming).

These are just a few things ive seen in the campaign so far but im sure loads of people would have other ideas. Maybe the forum could start a wish list thats been updated just for arma 3?

maybe if theres enough support for this, then maybe magic can happen & people like me can get a wow facter into their own missions. Im sure theres still more things ive not even thought about & seeing a tutorial might make me drool & say id like that in my missions.

anyway thanks for listening folks

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