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Problems with Variables, %1 placeholders etc.

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Hey guys. Got a quick question and I'm trying for over 3 hours now >.<

Here's what I got:

My Variables:

_townName = ["Pyrgos", "Dorida", "Chalkeia", "Charkia"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_missionName = format ["Clear Town %1", _townName];
_missionDesc = format ["Clear the Town %1 from all CSAT units. We count on you!", _townName];
_hqText = format ["We got Intel that the enemy is hiding in %1. Approach with caution and eliminate everyone. HQ out!", _townName];
_markerTown = ["town_%1", _townName] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

Task generation:

_taskhandle = player createSimpleTask [_missionName];
_taskhandle setSimpleTaskDescription [_missionDesc, _missionName, _missionName];
_taskhandle setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _markerTown);
player setCurrentTask _taskhandle;

The task destination is always at the lower left corner on the map... Can any1 help me out?

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hint format ["%1",_markerTown];

This is a great way to test the returned value. Add this just below _markertown to see what the returned value is. I'll take a look at fnc_selectRandom, because you're probably using it wrong when using it with _markertown.


Yeah, you're using it wrong. What it does currently is EITHER select the string "town_%1", OR the selected _townName. Use this instead:

_markerTown = format ["town_%1",_townName];

If you want to mislead the player into the wrong town, run a new variable similar to _townName.

_randomTown = ["Pyrgos", "Dorida", "Chalkeia", "Charkia"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

And call that var on format instead of _townName.

Edited by tryteyker

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Thanks tryteyker. This step is working right now. Now I've got another problem, I'll post it later if I don't get it sorted out. Thanks again!



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