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Disable Radio Command Voice

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Is there a way to disable the radio commands? Basically, I want to get rid of the voice that gives commands, but at the same time enable the player to participate in KB conversations on the radio. I don't want the default voice clashing with the custom voice! So, getting rid of the radio won't do the trick. Any ideas out there?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. If there's no solution: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16884

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Not quite sure what you're getting at, but give these two things a shot.

enableRadio false; would disable the server broadcasting any radio chatter ("2 - REGROUP!") along with any text commands (server sideChat "Crap!"). VON and MP text chat still function as normal.

0 fadeRadio 0; //This allows all of the disabled things in enableRadio, but instead mutes them (text still shows).

If those don't work, one of the original things I tried was switching enableRadio from false to true whenever I needed the radio, then switched it back. There is a lag time that requires a sleep of at least 2 seconds on both ends on a hosted server, and more for DS. That's why I didn't use that once I found faderadio.

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Hi Grimes, thanks for your response! Let me try and make my rambling post a bit clearer - sorry! - the radio commands that the player can give (e.g. 'One less', 'Injured') etc. are given in one of a range of recorded voices. I'm creating a mission where I have recorded a custom voice for the player. I want to get rid of the radio voice - but without losing the ability to receive radio transmissions. It's okay for BIS, as they have 'identities' hardcoded for their characters. The community does not. I might be asking the impossible but thought it would be worth a shot!

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Sorry, I'm a bit lost. What "radio voice" are you trying to get rid of? As in, you don't want the voice to be broadcasted, you want it to be "said" by a character? In that case, see say.

If that's wrong, I'm confused by your terms "radio voice" and "radio transmissions". Same goes with "Custom", which has its own category already.

Looking at it again let me take another jab. You recorded a voice that you want to be heard when playing the "One less" and other "radio commands". How to add that, and if you can, I am unsure. However, you can create your own identities, which you can then set to soldiers. Search up CfgIdentity and setIdentity.

If I'm still completely wrong, let me know.

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Thanks again for your response Grimes, yeah, it's sort of tricky to explain. Again, really sorry. In-game, the number keys enable the player to issue commands and they are given in one of a numbers of voices (Iranian, Greek, English, English American) that can be assigned using CfgIdentity and setIdentity. However, I am creating a mission where KBtell conversations take place. The player's character speaks lines of recorded dialogue to others. The trouble is, of course, this voice that I have had recorded for the player is different to the ArmA3 radio voices. I am trying to suppress this 'radio voice', and what I mean by 'radio voice' is the voice of the commands issued over the radio. I would like either silence when issuing them, or the ability to record them in a new voice and add them to the commands. Really sorry if that's a bit convoluted! Not even sure if it can be done, either!

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