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Usage of FuelConsumptionRate in cfg.vehicles?

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It's been a long time that I finally got around to play some A3 again :) But one thing that struck me during one of my missions was the zero-fuel consumption bug of all tanks. I am referring to this feedback:


I found that all LandVehicles that I used have that config entry "FuelConsumptionRate" properly set (mostly values of 0.01). I just wonder if anybody knows: what is this value used for? I guess it is some sort of multiplicator used on "fuelCapacity", which is another config entry. But how would A3 use this value by design? Rate per KM driven? Rate per hour? Rate as of a certain speed?


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I guess it is rate per speed or RPM-related. You could easily test that. If you want I can make you a short small config to help testing.

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RPM multiplication could be. But seriously, that 0.01 consumption rate is all across the board for all sorts of engine types so I think the vehicle configs are just not finished yet. I looked at 2 parent classes using the splendid config viewer and found this:

configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Truck_01_base_F" >> "fuelCapacity" = 45L // WRONG

configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Truck_01_base_F" >> "fuelConsumptionRate" = 0.01 // WRONG

configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Truck_02_base_F" >> "fuelCapacity" = 350

configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Truck_02_base_F" >> "fuelConsumptionRate" = 26

Mind you, the "Truck_01_base_F" class spawns childs like the huge bluefor ammo truck. Hence, I believe it is a shortcoming to live with for now (or to re-config everything, but then again it might get fixed in any beta, so what the heck - for now :) ). And even if 0.01 would make any sense to the engine it still provides tanks with an virtually endless fuel supply as stated in the ticket.



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I know that those lines are incorrect, and that's why I corrected them in my own mod.

Going to run some tests know and will share the results later.

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Okay, so it took me a while to figure out what is wrong. And that's not the fuelconsumptionrate. The rate is not connected together with RPM, it's more or less usage over distance. So it's like l/100km.

It is the fuelCapacity. I don't now if in the hardcoded part of the engine somthing is calculated wrong, but:

I currently figured out that the best values for my Offroad are:

fuelCapacity = 25;
fuelConsumptionRate = 7;

This way it's an average fuel consumption fitting for Arma3.

For tanks, I found this is a good starting point:

fuelCapacity = 10;
fuelConsumptionRate = 500;

So, the results: Something with the calculation of the fuel level is deadly wrong.

Cheers, hope you found that interesting.

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Yup, the vehicle configs are not finished in many aspects. I also believe that fuelrate was meant to provide some fuel/KM ratio. This along with many other config entries will need a brush up through time. It might happen or not; in the end there was that community configuration project for A2 by kju to address the abandonded config errors. Let's see how this evolves in A3.



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