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missing .paa textures after repacking .pbo

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Ran into problems with compiling weapons_f.pbo. Ive simply changed bullet velocities once recompiled, I started the game and missing .paa errors popped up, so ive reverted all the changes pasting the original pbo over the modded one. Next trying to determine if the pbo process itself is the culprit, i decompiled and compiled with nothing changed and the error still popped up confirming the pbo extraction method is the culprit.

Is there a proper method or tool for me to correctly extract the pbo? note that i will be only changing certain weapon stats to my liking.

btw i used the latest eliteness tools

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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Un-packing and re-packing BI's own PBOs is not at all standard workflow nor mod'ing. So as such getting problems can be fully expected.

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