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Mission works on localhost but not dedicated

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Recently I put together a mission for use on my clan's server that's basically a template for MCC mission building. It's pretty simple and just has a couple of bases set up at Stratis Air Base and Camp Maxwell with a few playable units at each. It all works just fine through the editor and on localhost, yet it just refuses to load on the clan's dedicated server. It will do the loading screen that shows Stratis and once it's complete it will hang for a while before displaying a blank map screen and then jumping straight back to the mission select menu. I haven't the foggiest idea what could be causing this and I was hoping one of the many brilliant minds here might be able to help me crack this nut.

I went ahead and uploaded the mission so you can poke around it yourself, though it requires Massi's SOCOM/DEVGRU Units and RH's M4/M16 pack. You can find the mission here: https://www.mediafire.com/?h8wn5ls4dpjzgbc

I hope someone here can chase down a solution and maybe teach me how to avoid having this happen again.

Thanks in advance.

- Sharpshooter.

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Tried rebuilding the mission.sqm? Remove the addons / addonsAuto and load it again on local host, it should rebuild it automatically. Make a backup before you do though, I've never personally tried it, just what I heard so far. Then wrap it into a pbo again and upload to the server.

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Usually this is due to the required mods not loaded on the server - check your server's RPT file it should tell you if that is the case (or observe the server console window when someone joins if that is possible)

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