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Idmod/script to allow interaction communication with civilians for intel

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The idea behind this is some script/mod that allow any civilian spawned in on your mission to be questioned and or possible given orders and following them.

Solider1- walks up to a civilian who he thinks might be suspicious.

Solider1- mouse scrolls on the civilian, 3 options pop up, 1) hello 2) stop 3) get on the floor, player selects option 1) hello

civilian1- stops turns around and faces player and responds with a greeting.

Solider1- mouse scrolls options 1) hearts and minds bs 2) question 3) search 4) interrogate 5) your free to go, players selects option 2) question

Solider1- mouse scroll options 1)what are you doing here 2)have you seen anything suspicious 3) do you know any POI's 4) where are the weapons/terrorist 5) your free to go?, player selects option 1)

civilian1- Dynamic response #1 "just coming back from the market".

Solider1- mouse scroll options 1)have you seen anything suspicious 2) do you know any POI's 3) where are the weapons 4) search 5) your free to go?, player selects option 5)

Solider1- dynamic searches civilian1, finds dynamic item: in this case intel (gives marker on map or similar)

Solider1- mouse scroll options 1)interrogate 2) handcuff and arrest 3)your free to go, player selects option 1)

Solider1- dynamic interrogates civilian1 dynamic question "what else are you not telling me!"

civilian1- dynamic verbal intel "ok ok, i heard that over by (dynamic town/area/poi) there was insurgents"

Solider1- mouse scroll options 1)interrogate 2) handcuff and arrest 3)thank you, your free to go, player selects option 3)

civilan1- "thank you" turns around and follows previous course.

this scenario could have gone out multiple different ways but based on the choices of solider one and luck of the draw is how this outcome was achieved

Now this is pretty godam dynamic, im hoping to get something functional with a much more basic but functioning and than keep building on it.


keep it basic is possible to keep lag down. i would like it if it was widespread across all civis in your mission.

some times civis could have weapons, ieds, live ieds that blow up and a very very small rate.

some civis may want to help you, other could be rude or ignore unless stop to stop and was searched.

and on random some will give up intel some may have to be pushed to give intel, some may get pushed and not give any at all.

this mod/script would should be easily configurable to customize it to any situation mission, weather it would be to get intel for a weapons cache on insurgency, or maybe an irate hostage taker, a captured enemy, a recovered hostage, a hvt, undercover spy, your handler any possibility but again making it so it could be usable in any mission type

my level of experience/help for this

im not a coder but i do have some experience with it. i would volunteer my time effort and energy to make this mod/script work but i need help getting the code together to the point where i can edit it easily to add more dynamic conversations/options

the ability to add ACE3 to the mix would be the long term goal

if anyone wants to help in anyway shape or form please post up and get in touch this is a huge part of arma that gets overlooked

---------- Post added at 22:27 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

just found this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?128078-Civilian-Interaction-Module-(beta) for ama2oa maybe someone can help me port over parts of this for arma3?

got an error on loading up that mod on (arma3 Addon 'nielsen_cim' requires addon 'ca_modules')

Edited by onedigita

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